Facing The Eastern Gate

by Lori Anne Hale
For the breakthrough of God's promises believers must continue to intercede by Facing The Eastern Gate | My Daily Letters - MDL

The preamble was written as the concise explanation for this nation’s founding and why her people, with determined hearts, sought to establish a Republic; one Union formed by the many to promote liberty and justice for every citizen, where all were given the same right to pursue their own dreams.

Although the intentions of the founders were made plain when set forth, through the decades of political meddling this original charter does not depict the nation as it stands today. For upon her inauguration, America stood independent and sovereign, as the only one of her kind in the world. But because the need to subjugate other men lies within mankind, this land has been continually threatened both outside her shores and inside her borders by those enemies who see this territory as either a prize to be won or a threat to eliminate, with either response coming from the same desire to dominate this people and overthrow her power.

However the current attack on this republic was indeed a joint effort, as hostile nations conspired with national leaders to seize the governing bodies that were established to protect this land.

And while these who put themselves in charge paint a rosy picture of the future, their real plans for America are anything but, which is why her Constitution is blatantly being ignored. This ironclad document which, in the past, was viewed as an obstacle, is being treated as if it doesn’t exist, and therefore America can no longer be recognized by those in power as a nation of laws, for what criminal has ever been known for obeying the rules?

Then what was guaranteed long ago seems to have expired, because the nation as it now stands has little hope of retaining the blessed liberty granted to each subsequent generation.By a joint enemy attack America's independence is being threatened from Facing The Eastern Gate | My Daily Letters - MDL

So will this act of aggression go unanswered? Who from among the population will rise up and put a stop to this surreptitious revolution that is seeking to abscond with their freedom? Does such a person exist within this people who can win back what was stolen?

I say “Nay”, for it is only the Lord Strong and Mighty who can return this nation to her people.

Then let those who still believe, stand facing the eastern gate, and release the sound of your warfare towards your nation’s capital, for it is time that those false leaders hiding behind the barricade in Washington are called to account for their actions. Though they thought circumventing My will to be an easy task, they shall soon learn that I am no fool, and have only been waiting to launch My counter to their attack.

Then fall to your knees and intercede. Entreat My throne for the breakthrough I have promised, where My hand of justice falls upon this land, retrieving each guarantee that was stolen, and restoring back to this people the full right of self-determination that has been hindered by the government, the very body that was established to uphold her laws and insure domestic tranquility.

So let your voice be heard. Lift up your declarations into the atmosphere, for I have not yet begun to show the power of My strength before those who are now cowering behind that fenced blockade. For when the full weight of My judgment comes upon them, these shall no longer be able to stand, as I am still the Supreme Authority over not only this nation, but the entire universe: that is the whole of My creation.

“Then Jehoshaphat stood up in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem at the temple of the Lord in the front of the new courtyard  and said: “Lord, the God of our ancestors, are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you.” 2 Chronicles 20:5-6

(Received: 2/8/2021)

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