Field Hands

by Lori Anne Hale
Every believer has been assigned an area to till by God as His Field Hands | My Daily Letters - MDL

Does a field hand have a say in his Master’s business? Does he make the decisions over the Master’s affairs, or, is this one merely a servant who obediently follows his Master’s instructions? If I say to My servant, “Here is the field you shall tend!”, wouldn’t this hired hand take the plow and start tilling that plot of land?

Yet most of those who have bowed in reverence to Me and professed their service to My Kingdom have yet to lift a finger, for these lazy servants would rather recline on their couches than actually lend a hand to My efforts. So, as a result, desolate fields lie scattered across this nation and the world, those so dry that even the weeds have dried up for lack of water. So while these field hands have reaped the benefits of belonging to My household, their gratitude for what was graciously given to them only goes so far. For when I sent My Overseer to nudge these out of their stupor, they have declined My repeated requests to make ready the land for a great harvest.

Then because these slothful workers have yet to incline their ear My direction and heed My call to man their plows, the enemy has come in like a squatter, encroaching upon land that does not belong to him. So now, instead of just turning the soil, these fields must first be cleared of enemy encampments: all those places where the devil and his demonic hordes have built up strongholds in this nation.

However, there are some hired hands, who, upon hearing My words of direction, picked up their tools, then went straight to work. And those fields they were charged with are primed to yield a superb crop, one which shall continue to propagate for many seasons to come. Those plots of land which have indeed been well cared for shall be teaming with new growth in the coming days, for some seeds planted long ago have started to sprout, and soon will be covered with many branches hosting fresh blooms. So when those assigned to reap come along, their bushels will be overflowing with the sweetest fruit, like ripe grapes plucked from a fine orchard that has been well managed.

However, it is not too late for those who have been idle to partake in the next wave of My Spirit as He washes over the nation. For He shall release upon this country an overflow of Heavenly waters designed to invigorate every field that has been readied and waiting for His arrival.

But who among these listless field hands will shake off their apathy, then roll up their sleeves and get to work? Who within My Church will pick up their plow and begin turning the soil?Just ahead is a great harvest from Field Hands | My Daily Letters - MDL

What My own should understand is this: that a plot of land has been assigned to each one of them to tend while they are living here on the earth; whether it be in this nation or abroad, all have been tasked to sow, plant, or reap in specific areas of the world.

Yet this idea has been lost on most, for serving in church is about the extent of their effort, and for many, not even that, as somewhere along the way this teaching was diluted so that Christian service became solely focused on the running of weekly congregational gatherings. So then the tending of fields was abandoned, and in its place, believers help with the duties of their local Body. This is why so much ground in America looks like a barren wasteland, for those who should have been caring for these fields simply haven’t recognized the responsibility I have given to them, and therefore, think it’s actually someone else’s assignment to tend to the spiritual and physical needs of their communities.

Then this proves the saying is true that says, “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few”; for this statement does not apply to ministering in your churches, since it is outside these walls where the fields lie waiting to be harvested. Yet too much attention has been set on the running of these assemblies, and not enough care has been shown to what is happening in their surrounding communities.

So then stop saying to yourselves, ”I must get back to church!”. Instead, look around at your neighborhoods and local communities, for this is the field I have asked you to tend. Then cast off your old way of thinking about what it means to be the Church, for she was never meant to be housed only in buildings.

Did My Son or his disciples fund building projects to contain My Body? No! Because both He and his followers knew they were sent forth to share the Truth with whomever they encountered, while at the same time were devoted to feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and setting the oppressed free from bondage. This same call has been given to each generation of believers, even those who today claim to be “Christian”.

Therefore, don’t sit back on your haunches, wondering which field you have been given to tend. Step outside your front door and behold your plot of ground, the one you are meant to till. Don’t delay any longer, for the time of preparation is upon you. Begin watering the ground with your worship, and turn the soil with your prayers, so that when the opportunity comes to plant seeds, the hardened hearts of those in your communities will be ready to receive the Gospel of Truth.

And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:35-38

(Received: 8/4/2020)

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