Freedom’s Song

by Lori Anne Hale
To obtain religious freedom the pilgrims were willing to risk life and limb from Freedom's Song

Then across the pond did those early pioneers traverse, as ‘freedom’s song’ called out like a siren drawing them towards a destination unknown; to a land foreign and untamed. Ah, so bright was the hope that burned in their hearts, as they yearned to behold a life not yet lived, one that beforehand could only be known in their dreams, where a man was free to worship as he pleased.

And so did those brave souls set sail, as if compelled by some unforeseen force, prepared to risk life and limb (if that’s what it cost), as among them there was no lack of courage to be found. Although the journey was arduous at best, turning back was never an option, even when the seas became more treacherous, for these pilgrims sought an existence absent religious persecution and subjugation. So while their quest was forged with a singular purpose, and that being religious freedom, it was through those separatists that My plan for America began to unfold, with many decades passing before she won her independence and became known as the Land of Liberty, where the right of self-governance was thought as something worth protecting.

Oh how far removed is America now from those days of her founding. For tyranny has once again arrived on her shores, threatening to destroy those unique qualities which set her apart from every other nation, for assimilating her into a global community is the overarching goal. Yet do her people understand what is at stake should this nation cease to exist? For if it weren’t for America’s strength standing as a blockade, evil would have already quickly spread and reshaped the borders within each continent so that only a few ruled over the multitudes. 

However, in recent decades the good name of this country has been besmirched, having fallen into the untrustworthy hands of those who misused her reputation as a world power to their own advantage, creating casualties of the innocent and causing unjustified loss of life. This, in turn, has had a deleterious effect on not only the opinions of foreign nations but upon many Americans as well, provoking, in some, a hostility towards their own country, viewing her now as the enemy, and having nothing but contempt for the liberties their forefathers held as dear. And so, with loose fingers, they hold the privileges granted to them simply for being Americans. Yet, how easily could those rights just slip away?

Thankfully, America, I have not abandoned you, for the work I began long ago at your inception is not yet complete. Therefore, your enemies shall not succeed in this attempt at globalization. However, unless you contend for restoration of the liberties that have been stolen, some shall not be recovered. Do not presume, then, that the land you once knew shall fully reemerge, for some of “what had been”, is lost for good.

Ah, but listen, America, ‘freedom’s song’ is still beckoning, calling to those who will respond, and who, like the pilgrims before, believe every person was born with certain inalienable rights, which no government or ruler has the authority to take away. Then, do not so easily give up what is inherently yours, for once lost, shall take generations to recover, if ever recovered at all. 

Therefore do not take lightly this current threat upon your liberties, for indeed what you are witnessing is a serious attack upon this nation. The time for passivity has passed, so stand up and reclaim what belongs to you, America! Think not that your voice has no power, as it is a weapon given for warfare, which, when aimed with the right ammunition, can tear down even the most well-fortified stronghold. 

So cast off any notion that America is evil, for this is simply not true. However, it is accurate to assume that those now in command are wicked, for they, like many of their predecessors, have entered a pact with darkness, and so should not be believed when they say it is in your best interests to follow their lead. Know then, that globalization is not the solution for what ails America, or even the world. Do not agree, therefore, with any of its concessions, for this is most assuredly the devil’s handiwork. Pray, then, that your fellow countrymen see past his lies so that the enemy’s agenda to globalize America is stopped dead in its tracks. 

Cut away, cut away, cut away at its roots before this evil has a chance to further spread, and, like a weed, choke off any more of your God-given rights. Then, raise your swords and declare “No more!”, as the hour has come to take back what is rightfully yours.


“For freedom, Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

(Received: 10/14/2022)

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