Fully Awake

by Lori Anne Hale
Taking offense over political views believers should guard their hearts against from Fully Awake | My Daily Letters - MDL

There is now a new breed of Christian, those who are more socially informed, those who have placed greater emphasis on the cultural injustices of the day. And because certain church leaders have embraced these popular causes, many who follow them are echoing the same sentiments without finding out for themselves what is true.

Although I only desire that unity dwells within the Church, divisions and factions still exist. For while some believers assume the position that Christians today must rely solely on the Scriptures to hear from Me, others run after the signs and wonders of My Spirit, and then some are still very traditional in their approach to faith, being very pious in their beliefs. But now another segment has taken shape, those who have been molded by the current culture of the world. And though these are still part of My flock, too much of their focus has been placed on keeping up with the popular thoughts and ideas being promoted among men.

These believers are easy to spot within the Church, for their words and actions are all influenced by what is considered ‘relevant’. Because of this need to be in with the trendy crowd, recently many from this camp of believers have added their voices in with those organizations who are opposed to Me.

Yet these believe themselves to finally be fully awake because they are now aware of where the real hate and prejudice exist in this nation, and so have, unfortunately, fallen prey to the enemy’s trickery in their quest to keep up with the contemporary movements of their unsaved peers. For how can one say “I serve the Lord” when his allegiance is divided between Me and the world?

Let Me be clear, I do not support brutality of any kind, which is why believers should not think it “okay” when violence is used by citizens to change the governmental constructs of their society. Since the political climate has become so partisan, My own must not be quick to trust the voices of the media, or, believe out of hand those who post on various internet sites. For while some are accurate in their recounting of events, the goal of others is to create a state of continual confusion in the land.

Therefore, My own should watch where they are standing, as some have unknowingly partnered with the enemy by listening to leaders in popular culture instead of Me. And so these have become wise in their own eyes and are now sitting on seats of judgment against those who are not yet “woke”.On how to act or speak believers should not take their cues from the world from Fully Awake | My Daily Letters - MDL

Oh, when will My children really wake up and realize that the enemy dwells amongst them? For any form of offense held against another is ground where he has permission to enter and create division within My people. So then to look down on a fellow believer simply because you don’t see eye to eye on any given topic is immature behavior, and though you may not agree, guard your hearts against taking up offense. Since all believers are unified in the blood of Christ, your focus, therefore, should not be on your differences, but on Who it is that unites you as one.

Then look to Him, and Him alone as your best example for how to conduct yourselves uprightly in both word and in deed. Stop taking your cues from the world on how to think and to speak. Remember, the enemy has dominion over these airwaves, which means it is his voice that influences the ideas floating around popular culture. This is why My children are warned to pay close attention to the suggestions coming from the world, for these thoughts are deceptive in nature having originated from the evil one; which is the reason they must, especially in this season, lean in with their spiritual ears to discern the real message being conveyed underneath what is spoken. For the enemy’s goal still remains the same: to destroy the Church and steal away the weaker sheep in My flock.

So to those who have run to join with the popular culture of the world, My voice is calling out to you, beckoning for you to come back to your first love. Yes, there is injustice in the world, there always has been, for nothing happening now in society is new to mankind; he is still filled with selfish ambition and idolatrous ways, exploiting the lives of others for his own gain. This does not mean I endorse turning a blind eye to the suffering around you, but any cause that turns violent does not originate from Me.

Then I say today: Stay away from these groups which promote social justice, for their organizations are rooted in the enemy’s ideology. And though their message sounds positive, look at the destruction and chaos their efforts have produced. Don’t tell yourselves that what has happened in your streets should be tolerated because the “oppressed were acting out” from years of frustration. Lawlessness of any kind rises out of hearts filled with sin and therefore should not be accepted or applauded.

Let Me dispel any confusion about My position: I do not want My children aligning with riotous behavior of any kind, nor should they be found holding the same sentiments as the organizations who support this conduct! Some of you have been deceived into believing these groups are about reforming your society so that discrimination no longer exists, but this is not their true motivation. What they really crave is more power.

Then set aside your differences and link arms with the Savior, speaking the same message of the Cross. For if you want to make a difference in your culture, then the Gospel of His death and resurrection should be the idea you promote among your families, friends, and in your communities.

“I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree together, so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be united in mind and conviction.” 1 Corinthians 1:10

(Received: 8/28/2020)

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