Further In

by Lori Anne Hale
So more captives are freed God is coming to rattle cages from Further In | My Daily Letters - MDL

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(Vision: I saw a large cavern filled with cages, suspended by chains above a deep pit, with a person perched inside each cage. I saw a dark, hooded being ready to pull a lever connected to the chains which would release the cages into the abyss.)

 It’s time to rattle some cages so that many who are captive can be set free. For like prisoners serving a death sentence, these poor souls are bound, unable to escape their certain fate without receiving a full pardon. However, clemency for the guilty verdict hanging over their head is available to any who requests it, but first, they must be made aware of their need, as most of these are oblivious to the final judgment that awaits them.

Yet while it is clear that multitudes are on the verge of perishing, most who were called to be My ambassadors sit idly by without uttering a peep, keeping the message of salvation to themselves, not wanting to be thought a fool or face ridicule should they share how it is that their debt was forgiven and Who it was that liberated them. So instead of declaring this “Good News”, these timid children have hidden away the truth like a secret, one that only close confidants are told as if they were embarrassed to speak the name of their Savior to a stranger or bear witness of His love to their neighbor.

But because in this season I have called for a great harvest to be brought forth on the earth, the hearts of My children must be reinvigorated so that they are overflowing with unabashed joy, and thereby are compelled to proclaim the Good News with anyone and everyone who crosses their path. It is for that reason, that trying days lie ahead for the Church, for the coming affliction shall act as a springboard for the promised revival, which in turn shall cause the Gospel to spread like a blaze that cannot be quenched.

Then far and wide, wherever My children dwell, the prison doors of sin and death shall be unlocked, significantly adding to the number already redeemed, causing the sounds of great rejoicing to be heard in both heaven and on earth, for many who had been enslaved by the enemy will finally be set free.

And so, upon all sides, believers will feel hemmed in, as the spirit of oppression already present in the atmosphere shall greatly intensify, causing a sense of panic to rise in many of My children: those who are ill-prepared for the heightened level of adversity headed their way, as these continue to rely on their own understanding instead of listening with the ears of their spirit.

Yet for those who have heard My words, and have, therefore, discerned the season, these shall not know internal affliction, having already learned the discipline of sitting at My feet, waiting for Me to speak, undisturbed from within, knowing their peace is not conditional, and thereby, cannot be shaken regardless their circumstances. For they have trusted the course of their life to Me, even if that means enduring times of adversity, or facing intense persecution because they know that a better existence lies just beyond this world. 

Then the charge to My own in this late hour is to press further in, for the enemy shall be unrelenting in his attacks, hoping to stumble the more gullible with his lies and deception. Therefore, it is not your own strength that shall see you through this season, but by the might and power of My Spirit at work within you. For this reason, there must be a letting go of any preconceived notions about how the battle ahead shall look. And although the enemy’s playbook is the same, his trickery shall fool even some who are considered to be spiritual giants, for he lays in wait, ready to ambush the whole assembly of believers.

So then, it’s “further in” that I am saying: “Further in, further in, further in”. For here you will develop the inner resilience to walk through these trying days unscathed, yet carrying a heightened sense of divine purpose, as there shall be a fresh impartation of My Spirit for those who follow Me here.


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

(Received: 12/3/2021)

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