Grace Over Holiness Is Finished

by Lori Anne Hale
To pursue the virtues of His Kingdom God is once again calling the Church from Grace Over Holiness | My Daily Letters - MDL

As it is said, “Judgment first comes to the House of the Lord”, which is: one not built with walls of wood and stone. Then since this is true, the heart of every believer currently walking the earth was weighed and measured in the last season, and not simply the doctrinal beliefs or liturgical practices of whole congregations.

Yet where were the hearts of My children found when I came to judge? Were they in pursuit of holiness, or had they become captivated by the ways of this world, with many embracing the secular behaviors of man?

As the only Wise King, I determined My household was in need of some cleaning so that My children are taught to pursue holiness once again. Although there is now grace given when they stumble into sin, to the question, “Should we go on sinning?” (as the apostle Paul rhetorically asked his brethren), the answer is still, “Indeed not!” For while grace abounds for those found in Christ, this does not give My children the license to deliberately sin. It is the penalty of death that has been removed from their lives and not the immediate consequences of living according to the flesh, as the continuation of sinful habits only produces rotting fruit.

Then let none be confused: it is not My wrath that the Church is encountering (since there is no condemnation for the redeemed). However, to leave My household in such a state of disrepair would not be the action of a loving Father. And so I have come to correct those ideas, teachings, and doctrines that are askew, in order that the chief endeavor of every believer is to grow more and more in the likeness of My Son.

Therefore, the shaking within My household shall persist until every false pillar (whether doctrine or teacher) is brought down, as the days of promoting “grace” over “holiness” is finished, meaning: as true sons and daughters it is the more virtuous lifestyle of My Kingdom that you should be exhibiting. Be those who are set apart from this world instead of continuing to act like the unsaved because you dwell under the covering of everlasting grace.

Then don’t interpret the recent changes in the Church as My anger, for that is not what is occurring. I am, however, repositioning My Body so she once again stands as a mighty army, unified in purpose and vision, standing as those who understand that their commission is not about obtaining worldly pleasures, but seeing that My Kingdom expands upon the earth.

So cast off the sin that so easily entangles, and run hard after holiness, so that even now your lives are a reflection of Him…for to live as Christ is your higher calling.

“What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?” Romans 6:15-16


(Received: 5/19/2022)

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