Hold Your Ground

by Lori Anne Hale
In the end God's will shall prevail so Hold Your Ground | My Daily Letters - MDL

The animosity in this nation shall continue to grow as the battle over the presidency is drawn out, where her people shall turn their frustration over this political struggle onto one another; since neither party shall concede the election.

This lengthy fight shall only serve to agitate an already tense population, as most have grown weary of all the upheaval their lives have known during this past year. Therefore, when retaliations rise in force against the court’s decision on the election results, many citizens will acquiesce to the mob, hoping to quell the violent resistance so that normal life can resume once again.

Unfortunately, what these and many like them do not understand, is that if the hostile group and their party are given permission to govern this nation, the America they knew shall no longer exist. For those characteristics which made her exceptional will be lost under a dark wave of secularistic ideals that will wash over her shores, absorbed into a globalist structure that strips away every freedom her people now hold as a right. Because a comfortable life is all they have known, these citizens who shall give in to mob rule lack the inner fortitude to hold onto their personal convictions. And since most are ready for this year to be over, they shall be easily persuaded to either keep quiet or join with those voices of dissent who are convinced that the expansion of governmental rule will create a more equitable society.

What has changed with mankind since he fell in the Garden? Wasn’t it this same lie which caused him to stumble, the one which declares that man is better suited to govern his own affairs than the God who created him and all that is living? Over and over again, man falls prey to this ancient trap, for the enemy has been using this ploy of self-sufficiency since Adam walked the earth. Although this generation of man would like to think himself highly evolved, nothing about the human race has changed over time, and, as a result, the pride of life still remains his ultimate failing.As their portion believers should not accept defeat so Hold Your Ground | My Daily Letters - MDL

This is why there shall be some leaders, even among the Church, who push the message of promoting peace, where believers should strive for amity in their communities, and should, thereby, accept the contender as president so that a sense of unity can be restored in this nation. After all, they shall reason, what difference does it make who is elected, since God is not interested in the political systems of man? Those who promote this ideology are fools, for not only am I watching over the affairs of this world, but I am still highly involved in the life of each human being, whether or not they acknowledge My existence.

Therefore, do not accept this message as coming from Me, even when My Son’s name is linked to their efforts, for He did not ascribe to any man-made philosophy or political ideology. The ideals He promoted rested on a higher plain than those of this world. His teachings always contradicted what mankind thought was good, because it was My Kingdom perspective He taught while on earth.

Then dismiss this idea of a pacifist Savior, for He came to break the rule of darkness over man. And though He did not encourage physical violence against anyone, He knew the true enemy of this world could only be discerned with a spiritual eye. It is the prince of darkness, along with all his evil works, that He came to strike down. To uphold My will, knowing that all authority in Heaven was His, is why He gave up His life, yet not as a passive act to appease the crowd, but to do what I was asking of Him in that moment, in order that My will would prevail on the earth.

Then let My chosen hold their ground, for your enemy, the devil, is using other men as pressure hoping you’ll step back and surrender your position. He knows that the only way he can achieve victory over this nation is by convincing the Church to surrender; and right now, she is the only obstacle standing in the way of him claiming dominion over this land.

So with the grit of a well-weathered warrior, hold your lines and do not accept defeat as your portion. For in due time, you shall see a major shift in this battle where true peace will flow through your streets; but not because the Church gave in to the mob. No. This sense of unity shall rise once My sovereignty is re-established as the ruling authority over this land.

For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.” Hebrews 10:36

(Received: 12/4/2020)

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