House Of Windsor

by Lori Anne Hale
Upon the queen's household the Lord's judgment has fallen from House Of Windsor | My Daily Letters - MDL

Simply because someone in this world wears a crown of authority does not guarantee a place in My Kingdom, for even monarchs must enter through the same Gate as the rest of humanity. For did Jesus not say that He was the only way to the Father? So though a queen she may have been, unless Born Again, her soul shall not know rest. For unlike the “saved”, it is only an eternity of suffering that awaits the unregenerate.

Then one should not assume that because an individual is devout in her beliefs that she actually accepted Christ as her Savior, for what in her life showed this to be true? And while she may have set a high standard of decorum for her own life, it was an entitled existence that she lived, separated from those that she ruled, which was not the example witnessed in Christ, as He did not come to be served but to serve, and thus laid His life down as a sacrifice even unto death. 

Then to say that hers was a life of service that she modeled after Jesus is untrue, for He had no worldly possessions or any place to lay His head. And though He bears the title “Son of God”, still He walked among the people of this world, sharing the Message of My Kingdom with all who would listen.

And so in a gilded cage did she live out her days, locked behind iron gates, though time and again she was presented with the key to unlock not only her own internal suffering but also that of many others. Sadly, even a deathbed confession cannot erase the legacy of compromise she left behind.

Then, it is upon her household that My judgment has fallen, for this queen allowed much evil to be done in her midst. And so now the chickens shall come home to roost, for those of her lineage that engaged in much wickedness shall be found out and held accountable, as the one who concealed their crimes is no longer to be found. Therefore, Buckingham Palace shall feel the shaking of My hand as I move against it, as even the house of Windsor shall know the consequence of their sin. For what man alive has the power to circumvent My will? Though he may try, the truth shall eventually be brought to light; and so it shall be with her household.

Then the sins of the father shall be known to his son. For what he thought had been carefully concealed shall suddenly be revealed, absent any room for denial, as the seeds sown in darkness and rooted in deception only ever reap a bitter harvest.

So then, throughout this “Windsor tree” shall more shaking come, for I shall break loose those branches found steeped in decay, cutting off the rotting fruit these have produced so that this wickedness is not carried forward into the generations to come.

Then humble yourselves, “House of Windsor”, and repent while there is still time. For indeed you shall know the recompense for your sins and the grievances I have against you.

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14

(Received: 9/8/2022)

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