How Far Is Too Far?

by Lori Anne Hale
The earth has no place for a person to hide from God so How Far is Too Far | My Daily Letters - MDL

The assumptions being made in this land regarding certain leaders using their governmental power (in connection to the virus) to influence the upcoming election, are true.

These specific politicians are taking advantage of this season to manipulate the people in their states. By inflicting harsher restrictions upon those they oversee, these governors are showing their true colors, having gone much further than necessary to curb the virus and its spread. As a result, the people who live in these communities shall feel these restraints longer than other parts of the country because their governors are more interested in using this time for career advancement and showing themselves loyal to a certain party.

Then, these governors don’t mind squeezing the margins between public safety and control; for making a bigger name for themselves amongst the political elite is more important than the welfare and well-being of those who live in their states. And because these governors have bowed their hearts to the spirit of man, it is easy to understand their domineering behavior, since those who set themselves first often push a self-serving agenda regardless of how their actions affect others.

So seeing these certain governors act in unscrupulous ways should catch no one by surprise, for to these, gaining power is like an addict chasing after more drugs: where the unsatisfied need grows inside until they ingest more narcotics, and where, however, this craving is only numbed but has not gone away. And when the fixation is on increasing power, the only way for a soul to feel the rush it craves is to grab more and more control over others by asserting position and overstepping authority.

Although the outward appearance depicts individuals who are more interested in climbing the political ladder, it is the deeper spiritual need being manifest in these government officials that is seldom regarded. For like all human beings, there are wounds and fleshly longings that influence individual choices, and which drive a person towards selfishness and greed. Therefore, the real enemy is not the actual person themselves, but the sinister entities allowed in during those moments when heartache arrived, or when their flesh ran after sinful desires. So just like any other person alive, these governors also carry the baggage of old scars and human weakness in their souls. Unfortunately, it becomes much easier for the perverse voices speaking in a person’s head to lead those who sit in higher seats of authority down this dangerous path, where the pursuit of more power and wealth encourages extreme behavior. For who would dare tell these governors “no”, or offer objections when their conduct becomes more like a dictator instead of an elected official?

Yet, these governors are not the true adversaries, for they, like every lost soul, have partnered with the voice of real evil: the one after the souls of mankind, and so are captives in need of rescue from the chains of darkness. But how can these governors ever find the One who truly satisfies the heart when they dwell right in the center of such an idolatrous environment, where Godly virtue is thought of as distasteful and speaking My name considered criminal?

The margins of public safety and control have been squeezed by some elected officials so How far is Too Far | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then, are these too far out of My reach? Are they too far gone for Me to bother with? And should My own consider these individuals as lost causes and forget about even offering prayers on their behalf? 

So, how far is too far gone? Which part of this world is too far for My radiant beams to reach? And what distance from My presence is too great a span that could prevent My love from intervening in a life? Is there any space of existence, any deep ravine or dark cavern of sinfulness, which could pose any kind of challenge for My goodness to touch even those who work in bureaucracies, those who hold seats of power over other men? Therefore, if a person were to wander into these dark places of government and travel on the edges of morality, even this low descent could not circumvent My ability to meet with this person face to face. 

So which corner of this world should an individual choose if he is looking to hide his ways from Me? Does any such dwelling place exist where he can keep his life a secret? Then, how can those who preside over man expect to lead a private life or keep their faults hidden; for isn’t it easier to see their weaknesses when they are constantly out in front of the public? So if the discerning eye can deduce that there is more going on with these individuals than just making their mark in politics, how much more am I aware of the inner workings of a person’s heart? For though the veil of sin keeps these governors from understanding who I am, there is no curtain that obstructs My vision from knowing the exact position each of their hearts is holding. 

Then, why would anyone go to the trouble of trying to conceal themselves, when this is just wasted effort, even for those buried underneath the layers of false humility and politics? For a single person to go unnoticed by My attentive eye is impossible, because I know all, whether they hold a public seat, or live the more subdued life as does most in this world. And though it may be a revelation to some that I know their name, to My own this Truth should be clear: that I am deeply invested in the redemption of every person, even those who worship at the altar of governmental power. Although in the lives of these leaders it may look as if I am an absentee father, as one who is never around, but in reality, I am still close by, keeping a watchful eye upon these lost souls, for never once has there been a pause in the good I am doing in this world. 

Since I am not found with the weaknesses of man, nor do I hold his physical limitations, it is an easy task for Me to watch over all I have created. So, just as a mother hen keeps track of her brood, who beckons for them to find shelter under her feathers, My voice is always reaching out to those who will listen. Therefore, whether they work with their hands, or sit behind desks pushing papers, or hold elected positions, I don’t refuse a single person refuge when they call upon My name. 

No matter how deep in sin is a person God is able to see every fault so How Far is Too Far | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then, what attitude should My own embrace towards those leaders who preside over their states? Are My own to see these governors as the opposition, or, is the real offender found in the unseen realm, the one who hides in the shadows, like a puppet master pulling on the strings of these officials? For it’s the bound up places inside, those wounded areas in their being, which are listening to the voices of evil and driving these governors to act with rigid, restrictive measures.

Although these leaders would like freedom from their bondage, the authority they hold in this world can do nothing to break the demonic chains binding them so tightly. For these governors, there appears no other way forward than this path they’ve chosen, for how else can these leaders achieve their vain and self-serving goals? 

Oh, what a sad condition these leaders are in. For anyone willing to cause harm to many just to fulfill political aspirations definitely has a damaged heart and a wounded soul. But who will say to these leaders, “There is a better way!”, or who of My own will pray that these officials change so that the transformational work of My Son is done in their hearts? Who of My own will raise their hand and volunteer to stand in the gap? Who will put off every offense felt towards these governors and leaders by contending for their redemption? 

Therefore, during this time of quarantine, set aside the inconsequential and unimportant things of this life, and instead, use this time for warfare, not only for your federal leaders but also those holding the governing seats within your states. For My will is still the same today: that none would perish and have their soul swallowed up by the eternal pit of darkness. Though it is up to each person to choose the path of the righteous, it is the prayers of My own that soften the hardened hearts of those traveling the road to death. For your petitions are like a baker’s hands as it softens dough, so that when offered, the leavening agent is successfully incorporated into the mixture. Then, after the right amount of proving, it yields something splendid. 

Then to My own, “Don’t see these government officials through the lens of their title or position, but view them as fellow human beings who, just like you, needed someone to pray for their salvation.” Don’t harden your hearts against these officials but ask My Spirit to soften the hard and crusty areas within. And though you may not see the change while these are in public office, that doesn’t mean your prayers have been ineffective. So, add the names of these officials to those you are already lifting before Me. Regardless of their political position, or where they stand on the issues, they could still use the prayerful support of My children. 

Therefore, level your prayers right at their hearts, just as a well-trained marksman sets his aim on a target. For every time you contend for these government officials, it hits the hardened areas of their hearts. So don’t overlook this request, because the only way your state will change for the better is when those in charge have an awakening in their hearts. Then, contend for these men and women so that the revival I am bringing invades the spaces of state and national government; so this wave of My goodness covers every level of this nation.

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus…”   1 Timothy 2:1-6

(Received: 4/21/2020)

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