I AM Eternally Just

by Lori Anne Hale
The established laws that govern the earth God will not violate from I AM Eternally Just | My Daily Letters- MDL

Many are those who have ventured past the point of no return, whose souls shall forever be subject to torment, as these could not see the benefits of salvation, though multiple opportunities for repentance were presented. So although My Son paved the way for all to escape the wrath of final judgment, multitudes of mankind still refuse to kneel before Me and seek forgiveness. 

Sadly then, even in this late hour, the amount of souls perishing largely outnumbers those who are saved. However, while I knew most would reject My kind offer of redemption, perfect love compelled Me to act, for I could not leave mankind without any shred of hope, as the whole of humanity would be doomed unless I intervened. Yet even while salvation is quite easily the greatest prize to obtain, and readily accessible by all, very few rightly gauge the value of this free gift, and so reach that juncture of absolute finality unaware that their fate has been sealed, having foolishly squandered every chance to receive undeserved mercy and infinite grace.

However, to think that their tragic end was, to Me, a surprise, would discount My position as ‘All Knowing’. For I have seen into the hearts of each and every man, woman, and child, and so have correctly judged the entirety of their lives. Even still, these souls were created knowing they would inevitably endure My wrath, as it is My higher purposes that are being served through their existence upon the earth.

(It should be noted that I take no delight in seeing anyone meet the consequence of unrepentance, though often I am regarded as cold-hearted, when in reality, all that I do is rooted in everlasting love.)  

Then it is those who regard Me as unmerciful for allowing any to perish that have no understanding of the laws I established to govern the earth; those which I will not violate because I am eternally just. Since this is true, and because each life, when it is birthed, rests under the ‘law of freewill’, I cannot force anyone to yield to My will, for I desire a person to follow Me out of their own volition. And because those who reject Me remain covered with the stain of sin, they can have no part of Me, nor receive the inheritance of eternal life, as this blessing is only bestowed upon those who accept My invitation to experience salvation, thereby securing their soul with eternal life.

Then each person alive, whether saved or lost, should be thought of as significant, and be treated as such. For every single individual was Sovereignly created, and though it may not be immediately evident, plays a role in My overall plan for this world. 

“But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will, what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory?” -Romans 9:20-23

(Received: 3/14/2022)

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