
by Lori Anne Hale
Embarking on a crooked road never leads a person anywhere good from Impartiality | My Daily Letters - MDL

When a man embarks on a crooked road, where does it eventually lead? What type of destination does he suppose is waiting at the end of his travels?

The answer is: never to anywhere good, for the sharp angles of this path shall always lead him astray. And while this twisted path seems to be promising, it ultimately arrives with an agonizing end. But he still trudges along down this trail, though in his heart, there is some trepidation, for he knows this to be a duplicitous decision, and to progress along this route a person must pay the heavy price that comes from selfish choices, those that create casualties out of others who are more upright and ethical.

Yet with each subsequent step taken down this low road, the easier it becomes to continue on, even when it requires immoral behavior on his part, for once a man turns that first dark corner it is difficult for him to find the way back to where integrity is found. Although, for appearance’s sake, he tries to cover his steps by creating misperceptions about which kind of road he has chosen, as an individual cannot journey upon this twisted track for long before it is plainly understood which direction he is headed. However, the only one who has been deceived is himself, for his own destruction is where this crooked road finally ends.

So while many others have traveled this same devious trail in the past, his first pitfall was not learning from their mistakes. But, for some reason, he has been fooled into thinking that their same fate won’t be his (though there exists a mound of evidence to prove otherwise), for surely he has completely covered his tracks so that his deceptions are hidden, therefore, every shady decision has been blocked from catching up with him.

Sin only leads to the crooked road of destruction from Impartiality | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then like a traveler lost in the woods without some sort of light to guide him, there is little chance a person holding to this course will find his way to safety, for it would seem he is doomed to perish without finding any source of help.

But what of rescue? Can one who embarked down this highway of treachery still be saved, no matter how far into depravity he has traveled? Is this soul still in a recoverable state?

Many would quickly wash their hands of one such as this, thinking it obvious that he is too far gone, and therefore, can only know a bitter end since his path was littered with nothing but betrayal and deceit. However, change is still possible for anyone who puts his trust in Me, for I am able to make straight every crooked path, even that of an evil ruler or corrupt politician.

This is why no one should ever be counted as hopelessly lost, as I can make Myself known to even those who have evil intentions in their heart, just like My servant Paul who had already embarked on a murderous path when he encountered Me on the road to Damascus. And wasn’t it Zacchaeus who changed his ways after meeting his Savior, though he had taken the trail of a swindler and thief?

Any crooked path God is able to make straight from Impartiality | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, from a single divine interaction, the dark path these men were on suddenly shifted because I illuminated the road to righteousness, the one which leads to eternal bliss. And though this better path is made known to every man, for My existence is written in the stars and easily seen here on the earth, very few will choose to follow its course.

So don’t despise anyone, even those who, right now, are misusing their power to steal this election. Instead, pray that these corrupt politicians have a divine encounter with the One who can save them. For when these leaders, who have journeyed down a crooked road, experience His kindness, a dramatic change will happen in this government, radically impacting its trajectory.

Let Me state it clearly once again: other men are not your true enemy! Remember that it’s the dark spirits who roam the earth that are your real foes. Approach each human being, therefore, with this higher perspective, for you who were “called” are meant to be My representatives in this world. You must show no partiality in your dealings with others nor should there exist any bias in your prayers. 

Then all of the unsaved must be weighed with the same measure: as those who are perishing. For just as it was with you, they also need someone to be in their corner petitioning My courts for their salvation.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6


(Received: 12/10/2020)

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