Inquire Of The Lord

by Lori Anne Hale
His will seek to pray from Inquire Of The Lord | My Daily Letters - MDL

If I took down Goliath with a mere shepherd boy using a sling and a stone, then what army amassed has the strength to oppose My will? If I swallowed up Pharaoh’s army when it came charging against My people, to nevermore be seen again, what ruling power can march out against Me and remain standing? The answer is obvious: none of course!

However, what may not be clear to some is that each example in the Scripture of the enemy’s defeat involved a partnership with faith, where an individual, tribe, or community joined with My will to receive a decisive victory. Then if I have not changed, wouldn’t it stand to reason that this same partnership of faith exists today? Yet very few who claim to be one of My own have this type of relationship with Me, as most don’t even bother to ask where I stand concerning the circumstances in their lives, let alone the societal and political discord happening in the world. For most assume they already know the answer, and so pray in accordance with their own understanding instead of seeking to pray My will. This lack of discernment comes from an underdeveloped partnership with Me, as these children have never bothered to look beyond the surface of our relationship, and therefore the ears of their inner man are not in tune with My voice, and so cannot correctly ascertain how I would have them pray.

Yet what must be remembered is this: I won’t bow to man’s agenda, nor yield to his demands. For it is always My broader plan that is at work, which is: to see My good and perfect will unfold upon the earth.

Then like any unprofitable habit, this practice of offering short-sighted prayers must be broken, so that when My children contend, they are standing in agreement with My will. But how can they know My intentions without first asking, as no one can know My mind unless I release this revelation?

Therefore, don’t launch out into prayer without first seeking My face. Yes, make your requests known, but then wait for My response, and I will show you where to stand so that you remain in alignment with My plan. For prayers offered in haste often lead to a dissatisfied heart, as these utterances are usually fueled by emotion instead of operating out of divine wisdom.

Then hear My words and listen to My instructions. for if you will seek My counsel in every endeavor, and inquire of Me what response should be given to your concerns, you shall know success after success, as that is the consequence of a life lived in partnership with Me.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” -Proverbs 3:5

(Received: 3/20/2022)

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