
by Lori Anne Hale
A ruse meant to distract the attention of Americans is the reason for the shutdown and riots before a planned Invasion | My Daily Letters - MDL

Although there was quite a fuss made about foreign countries interfering in this country’s election, among the elite from other nations who would benefit financially if one side or the other wins, it is yet a common practice. This is why international dignitaries who peddle influence are sent to live in this country as ambassadors, for these have been assigned to promote the best interests of their own governments by negotiating deals with federal and state leaders.

But just because, in appearance, this role would seem honorable, and those asked to don this title are chosen because of exceptional character, in all actuality, most of these representatives are highly corrupt and quite adept in the political game. Those posted in this country are very skilled at deception, and have, therefore, used its democratic system as a weapon against its people. 

So while formal parties and state dinners are being attended to bolster the relationship with politicians and other leaders, behind closed doors it is quite another affair, as those who are meant to bring good will secretly plot with her own leaders to undermine the stability of this nation’s economy. Although not all foreign ambassadors assigned to this country are in on this plot to weaken her from within, a few have banned together and joined forces with the globalists who hold seats of office in this nation.

These dignitaries gained entrance to this nation with the handshake of friendship, where, at the time, they presented themselves as allies who shared common economic interests. However, lately these have shown their true colors, for as Proverbs states: “…there is no loyalty amongst the wicked…”, and even less fidelity when a swindler is a politician. Then the Bear, the Stars, and the Moon have joined forces forming an evil collaboration which has a singular mission: the removal of American power from her dominating position as world number one. And because inside each of these world leaders is a desire to hold an even higher seat as global leader, they have set their own aspirations aside for the moment; that is, until the perfect opening appears when they can seize ultimate power.

So an invasion is planned where enemy boots shall actually march in on American soil, seeking to occupy certain key cities in this country. Then from the North and the South these are planning to invade, for they know where the borders are weakened in this nation. So while Americans are busy fighting among themselves, a coordinated attack is set to launch. 

However, even if some may think this a far-fetched notion, or dismiss these words out of hand, nonetheless, the validity of these statements is correct, and so this threat should be taken seriously. Then, very soon, masks and COVID won’t matter much to anyone because an invasion has come to America, and not off in some distant land where thoughts of war can be dismissed rather quickly because it has little to no effect on the lives of most citizens. Because every battle belongs to the Lord believers have no reason to panic even an Invasion | My Daily Letters - MDL

But how does one ignore battle when it is happening right outside their doorstep, and an enemy insurgency is seen roaming the streets of their nation?

Then, just like with Pearl Harbor and 9/11, while the people of this country are not paying attention, the enemy will rush in with a full fledged attack, startling them out of their self-focused slumber. 

So the continuing shutdown and rioting are all just a ruse to bring division meant to weaken morale in the population, for the chaos which has ensued over the past few months has only been a means to reduce this nation’s defenses. For while law enforcement is spread thin, and the majority of the manpower is sent to contain the rioters, who will then protect those communities lying unguarded when trouble strikes? Then, just like flipping a switch from ‘off’ to ‘on’, in one single day things shall change, where the moments before the invasion will be recalled as somewhat “normal”; attending to everyday needs without concern about a foreign assault.

While, at the moment, the skies appear clear in most parts of the country, with a few plumes of smoke coming from areas where riots have broken out, soon a gray haze shall fill the atmosphere, lacing the air with the strong sounds and smells of artillery fire. Then, across the deserts and through the valleys, these enemy forces shall come, taking captive those who don’t put up resistance, but using lethal force against those who do.  

Then a great shaking is indeed coming and its appearance shall ring like thunder in America’s ears, with its intense rumbling causing many to tremble in fear since they did not foresee this kind of battle happening within this country’s borders. However, for those of My own who are listening, for those who have eyes to see, they shall not be surprised by this news, or be caught off guard by an enemy attack. So though this evil insurgency has laid out a tactical plan for their invasion, and developed contingencies for unlikely scenarios, nothing in their purview could prepare them for what they’ll encounter when coming up against My battle lines. 

Therefore, let peace continue to lead your hearts, for even a physical army is no match for Me and cannot thwart the efforts of My skilled warriors. Yet, if some around you should fall, those who have put their trust in Me need not be concerned, for am I not able to keep My own when thousands of troops march into their land? For in the days where My people fought against enemy armies, did I not bring victories, one right after the other? 

Then, it is not by the might of your own hands that this insurgency shall fall, but it shall come as you worship My name. Then watch as I deliver this nation from the fowler’s snare and evil clutches of the enemy. 

A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.”          Psalm 91:7-8

(Received: 7/28/2020)

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