Journey Of Discovery

by Lori Anne Hale
To decode secret messages a cipher is needed from Journey Of Discovery | My Daily Letters - MDL

A cipher is created to decode secret messages so that only those who possess the ‘key’ can accurately assess its meaning. For without this ledger, the concealed information could not be readily understood.

Then it is the same with the Scriptures, for without Holy Spirit’s empowering Presence to enlighten the eyes of My children, then which of them could discern what these passages are truly saying? And while some biblical scholars believe themselves to be experts on My written Word, the deeper truths held within these passages are completely missed, because quite a few of these have leaned upon academic knowledge as a basis for their doctrines. In spite of the many books and teachings that have been offered as “biblically correct”, a vast majority of this information is absent divine revelation, as seeking the guidance of Holy Spirit has, for the most part, been left out of popular Christian culture.

Unfortunately, because His influence in the Church is lacking, it’s been polluted with ideology that is similar to that of the world, stunting the spiritual growth of those believers who embrace these principles, hindering the overall development of My Body as a whole.

This absence of maturity has left quite a few believers in a lukewarm state, for there is no internal urgency to pursue a ‘journey of discovery’ on their own, where they partner with Holy Spirit, allowing Him to uncover the hidden Truth that cannot be understood with only a cursory reading of the Scriptures. After all, didn’t My Son speak in parables so that those from whom the secrets of My Kingdom were hidden could not comprehend His real meaning? Yet, until Holy Spirit filled His disciples, they too, struggled to discern what was the real significance of His teachings.Into all truth Holy Spirit leads believers from Journey Of Discovery | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then, just as an encrypted message needs a cipher to reveal its hidden text, so too, is the revelatory power of Holy Spirit required to unlock not only the parables but the entire canon of Scripture, for He indeed was sent to guide believers into all Truth. However, His role as “Helper” is not limited to only illuminating the Word, as He also came to fill My children with power from on High; delighted to show the mysteries of My Kingdom to those who are curious.

Then you who desire this greater knowledge must allow Holy Spirit to tutor you. Let Him expose where your thinking about Me is wrong so that you can then see the Truth. For without Him in your life, you shall only ever achieve a shallow relationship with Me.

So do not be satisfied any longer with a surface-deep walk, but ask Holy Spirit to fill you with fresh oil, so that a spiritual hunger builds within with an appetite that can only be satisfied by dwelling in My Presence and feasting on the Truth.

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26

(Received: 5/23/2021)

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