Keep Your Head Up

by Lori Anne Hale
The One who is greater than the storm of crisis is where our hope is found so Keep Your Head Up | My Daily Letters - MDL

The first onslaught of the enemy’s attack, sent mainly through the virus, didn’t accomplish what he was expecting. Because he saw that quite a few of My children were asleep at the wheel, he thought it would be easy to keep the wave of revival I am sending (which he knows is about to appear) from hitting this land. However, since the hysteria has quieted in most of the population, the enemy is afoot trying to stir up a sense of panic in the hearts of the people again. And so, in order to stop My plan to send these refreshing waters over this country, he has pressured some in national leadership to further his schemes of inflicting more hardship on the people of this land.

But, what the enemy had forgotten is that I only needed the partnership of a small remnant of believers to see what I have willed come to pass. Therefore, when those of My own with “eyes to see” understood what was happening around them, they spread the word amongst the brethren that it was time to hunker down and pray. And because these all joined their voices in warfare, and petitioned My throne for aid to fend off the enemy, the atmosphere covering this nation began filling with a greater sense of peace. Yet, since the enemy knows what a resurgence will mean for this nation, he is not finished trying to block it, and will not stop until he figures out a way to keep this revival from happening.

Yet, because the enemy has already sent “greed” to work in tandem with “fear”, his next attack will hit the pocketbooks of most citizens who live here. For though some in the government are looking out for the overall well-being of the country, there are others who are only interested in cashing in on these days of adversity. And though, in public, their language speaks of empathy and concern for the American populace, in the shadows, these are making deals that will considerably benefit themselves and their own families. So, backdoor agreements are being struck so that these politicians profit financially from this global crisis.

However, what these leaders don’t seem troubled by is how their actions will directly affect most of their fellow citizens. And so now, “greed” is driving this pandemic forward, making the way for “fear” to rise again through the means of economic panic. For how can a heart be at ease when their livelihood is taken away?

This crisis is being exploited by some politicians who are making shady backdoor deals but Keep Your Head Up | My Daily Letters - MDL

Therefore, My children should continue to battle for their country so that this time of national adversity comes to an end; for the duration of this season isn’t over quite yet. The enemy’s scheme is to apply even more pressure upon the people of this nation, thus making it harder for most just to live. So then, this is not a time for My own to become complacent, thinking that since the main crisis has passed they can just relax and ride out what is left of the quarantine.

To these, I say, “Don’t be caught off guard!”. For though the advance of the virus, in some places, may have slowed, and the voice of “fear” is not heard shouting, the enemy has plans to step up his attack, hitting the commerce of this nation even harder so that many will feel a decline in their cash flow; where making a dollar stretch becomes even more difficult. Although on the surface the financial relief being offered by the government will ease the minds of many, on the other side of this global crisis, the consequences of this decision will be felt, taking more out of a person’s pockets to simply buy a loaf of bread.

So, My children must pray now that My hand of mercy moves across this land and alleviates the affliction that the enemy is sure to bring. For though many Americans are still focused on what is happening right now, the enemy is focused on a much broader field of battle, for his main objective has been, and continues to be, to deceive mankind, thus making it easier for him to drag as many as possible into the pit of darkness. However, the destruction he has planned can be subverted, for I retain the authority to override all of his schemes. Therefore, if My children will look to Me, and continue to pray for their country, even this national season of adversity can be turned for My good, and My glory.

And so, though the enemy thought that by using isolation as a battle tactic, he could keep this resurgence from rising, the advancement of My Church cannot be stopped. As a result, he has expanded his strategy, where he is using financial disparity as a means to stop this wave of resurgence from building momentum in the atmosphere. For he believes that if he can get this remnant of My children to focus on their own needs instead of ushering in a revival, then his plan to squelch the light from shining upon this country just might succeed. 

Oh, how foolish he is!

When will he learn that times of adversity only cause My Church to shine brighter? For it’s during days of suffering and hardship that man’s eyes are drawn upward to focus on what really matters. For it’s the soul of a person that is the most valuable and not the trappings of this world, which are subject to moth, rust, and decay. Therefore, My dear children, don’t just pray for this season to end, but add cries for revival to your petitions, so that not only are My prodigals restored, but that this wave of renewal will seep into, and overlap onto, the hearts of those bound for darkness, so they, too, can be rescued from the fire.

Then, My dear children, do not be troubled by what your eyes can see, but instead greet these days with high anticipation because you know that times of tribulation are the breeding grounds for not only your own faith to grow, but as a divinely appointed season for others to be ushered into My Kingdom.

So, put on your Heavenly lenses and see these days from this elevated position! For if you will set as your mindset, “My Kingdom first”, then even though you may still be spatially challenged, each public encounter will be regarded with greater importance because within these moments of interaction lies the opportunity to share your faith with another.

Then, “keep your head up” when you journey out into public, for there are those in your communities who are primed and ready to hear the Good News of the Savior. For a “time such as this” is why this generation of My Church was birthed. So don’t squander this time by being bogged down in worry, but instead seize these days with joy and exuberance, knowing that your “hope” is found in the One who is greater, and who has the ability to keep you even when a global crisis abounds. 

Again, I say, “keep your head up” and don’t let your gaze be solely focused on your own needs. My children should never be found troubled when it comes to their survival because nothing can inhibit My ability to care for them. Then these should be reminded of My power, for not even a virus, or the restrictions of a national quarantine can prevent Me from intervening on their behalf. So, My dear children, maintain an inner stance of rest. Though hardship may be felt on all sides, those found with their heart in this position do not know the pangs of anxiety because to them, not only am I known as the “God of Heaven”, but as “Jehovah-Jireh: the One who will continually sustain their lives.

Therefore, don’t be downtrodden, but “keep your head up”, for the wave of revival is about to wash over this land!

“Keep your head up, your eyes straight ahead, and your focus fixed on what is in front of you. Take care you don’t stray from the straight path, the way of truth, and you will safely reach the end of your road.”  Proverbs 4:25-26 (Voice)

(Received: 3/28/2020)

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