Land Of The Rising Sun

by Lori Anne Hale
Upon Japan is the hour of salvation from Land Of The Rising Sun | My Daily Letters - MDL

How long shall you live in the shadows? How long shall your fields glean a sparse harvest? And how long shall My Name be forgotten amongst your people, Oh Land of the Rising Sun? Shall I leave your storehouses virtually empty, knowing lack from blighted vineyards? Or shall you, too, Oh day breaker, be shown My hand of mercy, and thus release your people into the fullness of unspeakable joy?

Then you, sons of Javen, and you descendants of Tarshish, are about to encounter the kindness and love of your Heavenly Father. And so, even amongst your ancient cities shall the sounds of rejoicing be heard, for those who worshiped at the shrines of their forefathers, that detestable practice of divination, shall find the True Source of everlasting peace: the One who is known as the Bright Morning Star. So though your fathers turned their backs to Me and embraced the teachings of false gods, still among you exists a glimmer of hope, for I have seen the light of Truth still burns amidst your people, those who honor My name above all others.

Then these faithful ones shall reap the rewards of perseverance, for they have toiled long enough in this fallow soil, and so shall see those dormant seeds planted long ago break forth with the sprouts of new life. Therefore, where existed only a small garden shall suddenly grow an expansive field, filled with robust vines that shall produce a continuous harvest for many generations to come.

Hear Me, you sons of Javan! Listen, you descendants of Tarshish! Do not think I have neglected your prayers, for upon your shores a supernatural awakening shall be birthed. Then with a great shake, the sleeping shall be roused, jolted to their senses, as if awakened from a long hibernation. And so from this region of the world, a new voice shall be heard, vibrating with an ancient sound, for a purer Gospel Message shall arise from this people, untainted by the influence of the modern-day Church.

So sound the trumpet and strike the lyre, you brethren of Zion who dwell on these shores. For the Land of the Rising Sun shall know a season of jubilation, as the Lord of the Harvest is about to release a fresh outpouring of His Goodness over your entire nation. Then those who have been dead shall come to life in Christ, as the ancestral strongholds which held them captive, shall be rendered powerless; for every chain is broken in His name.

Then the hour of salvation is upon you, Japan, for the King of Glory has come to liberate your people, to set free every prisoner, and deliver all who are oppressed. For surely I have come to reclaim from among you those who rightly belong to My Kingdom.

“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.” Ephesians 2:4-5

(Received: 3/24/2022)

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