Laying Down Offense

by Lori Anne Hale
We are not to be offended even though Scripture says offense will come from Laying Down Offense | My Daily Letters - MDL

Oh when will My children, those who have been seated in heavenly places, stop railing against worldly injustice and focus on Who really matters?

Because He did not enter the realm of humanity to fight against the culture of politics, to then say he was a ‘warrior for social justice’ is to bring his deity down to man’s level, where what is considered today as socially just, changes direction quickly, like the wind. One day it may blow from the East, but the next have a completely different heading because it is inconsistent in nature.

So then, My Son did not arrive on the earth to trumpet the ways of man, for how fickle are the hearts of humanity when one day they embrace a behavior as morally evil but the next have a change of mind. And though slavery, poverty and many forms of oppression existed during His days on the earth, My Son never stepped foot into the political arena where the pursuits of man are found, for again, His agenda had a higher purpose in mind, one that was unlike any other before seen on the earth.

So then to attach His name to any political philosophy is to say He was equivalent to humanity. For the only kingdom He came to overthrow is found in the dark abyss of the spiritual realm. This is why He never took up any civil causes nor aligned Himself with the radical religious sects found among My people in that time. His message to all was clearly stated, which was to love Me wholeheartedly, and then, to love your neighbor as yourself. For when this becomes the prominent ideology in the hearts of man, then what form of prejudice or social injustice has the power to pit brother against brother?

Therefore, My own ought to be careful when it comes to associating His name with any political movement of today, as the roots of these philosophies are embedded in the hardened ground of humanistic thought: the field that fosters selfishness to grow. For though social justice sounds good on the surface, its remedies for righting the wrongs found in society have little to do with love, but, instead, seek to punish those thought to have oppressed another by putting them in a disadvantaged state, where vindication is really the underlying agenda of those who take up this fight. And though My Son came to liberate the captives, it was the spiritual chains of darkness that He broke.

Yet many, even My own children, are still focused on the physical strife known to mankind, and so go about solving societal differences using their own sensibility, attributing these attitudes to those of My Son. However, the only vengeance My Son ever sought was against the one who had stolen the keys of true liberation, and thereby showed no mercy to the spirit of darkness when He descended into the pit and stripped him of power and authority.

Understand then, that the field of worldly injustice is not the true battleground, as the war against hatred and racism will never be won in the physical realm as long as sin is alive and dwells in the hearts of each individual. And since it is the way of mankind to harbor grudges, or seek some sort of retribution against those who have supposedly wronged them, it is deemed justifiable to have ought against another, even if ill-will towards others stems from a person’s ancestral line. However, many believers have forgotten My instructions regarding an offense, whether it be a result of experiencing personal insult or sharing another’s slight, where neither of these circumstances should be met with the reaction of injustice. For in this life it is expected that offense will come, but My command remains to forgive, no matter how many times another transgresses against them.

So then, who among My children have the right to hold contempt towards another when all have sinned and fallen short of My glory? Where is the one who can say their indignation is sound when, in their own hearts, they have not only trespassed against their fellow man but have surely sinned in some form or another against Me? Yet, instead of becoming enraged and letting anger fester, I took the step to reconcile all mankind unto Myself. And because I love each individual deeply, I am willing to forgive every offense no matter how egregious the sin.

As a result, who can then point a finger of accusation towards his brother without having several pointed right back his direction? Instead of finding fault with their neighbor, aren’t believers instructed to examine their own hearts first, for who then can find themselves without fault, and cast the first stone of judgment?

However, there was only One who could stand up and claim this position of righteousness, but He chose instead to offer the world compassion, and accepted the undeserved penalty of death for crimes He never committed.

Redemption was brought by Jesus to a world in great need from Laying Down Offense | My Daily Letters - MDL

Some would say they are showing empathy by validating the offense felt from the sting of discrimination (whether real or perceived), with some even kneeling as a signal of their agreement that a certain segment of the population has more justification to be offended because, to them, others with lighter skin have known more privilege, and therefore, this inequality must be corrected by giving a certain minority group special rights: those which go beyond that of the ordinary citizen. For this is how the compassionate road is being defined. And woe to anyone who does not go along with this idea, for they are described as being racist: those who are hard-hearted or callous to the sufferings of others.

Unfortunately, some of My own who have picked up these responsive cues from society, and are allowing themselves to be misled. For real compassion may see the injustice, seek a divine remedy, but doesn’t necessarily agree with its list of demands; meaning My children are not to support the right to be offended, as they should stand upon a higher plateau: that Heavenly ground where love and forgiveness are found.

Those who claim to be His followers should not conflate My Son’s ministry with any form of worldly justice, for the restoration He came to bring had nothing to do with fairness, as not a person alive can say they deserve anything but the penalty of death. For whom among mankind knows the virtue of a sinless life?

And though My own should walk in the same manner as He did (having compassion for the throngs of humanity), these must not be led by their emotions, as feelings can often be misleading. For the way in which I desire to see these current events addressed looks nothing like what many in My Body are espousing. 

So then, stop running ahead and agreeing with a voice that is not My own, as your actions will only add to the division already felt in this land. Lay aside, therefore, your disagreements, for the infighting among those in My camp only opens the door for the enemy to get in and cause strife within My Body. Stop pitting yourselves against each other, and forgive every offense, for My Church must be unified now more than ever in their mission to save the lost.

So focus upon this, the point about which all can agree: that My Son came to bring redemption to a world that was in great need. This message is still the same and has not changed. So stand together with this important thought: that your lives were forever changed because you encountered His love, and that, through repentance, you were washed clean by His blood, enabling you to walk in true liberation, where every offense is forgotten and every insult abated because the forgiveness you freely received was then extended to another.

Then instead of joining your voice with the rally cries of injustice, let your mouth speak the words of Truth, which declare that, without His intervention, My justice will be dealt. For any who are not found under His covering shall not be spared from judgment and spend eternity in darkness.

Then stop with the sniping, or the snide remarks towards one another, and get about My business. For while many believers are wasting time bantering back and forth in the pursuit of childish arguments, the enemy is prancing about unencumbered, snatching up those who are lost. Therefore, I say, “Put these childish arguments away and act like those who have had their sentence commuted: those who should have been sent to death row but found grace instead. For none who are called My children, did themselves deserve the merciful hand I extended. 

Then with humble and grateful hearts go out into your communities, not to protest against the government, but to search for those, who like you, need to know the compassionate love of My Son. For when the neighborhoods of this country are flooded with My goodness, then, and only then, will the hatred lessen, because the offense has been traded-in for forgiveness, causing My peace to flourish instead of animosity and angst.


“Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. “But if your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:17-21

(Received: 6/4/2020)

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