“Don’t rely upon your own opinions to justify your position on any matter, for the thoughts of man are easily corrupted, therefore, it is not upon your own understanding that you should lean. Instead, endeavor to greet every occasion with the mind of Christ, for then shall you be more apt to walk as He did upon the earth.
So then none among you should be found harboring any form of offense, nor should you be found nursing a grudge against anyone, for My Son only ever forgave. Yet while it is true that some of My own have suffered greatly at the hands of others, still must your hearts be led by forgiveness, for indeed is this humble stance the mark of a true disciple.
Then in this hour, when there is so much decisive chatter flooding the atmosphere, let you who are Mine find yourselves far removed from its influence, for surely is the enemy seeking to bolster his lines by advancing the lie of victimhood. Therefore, you must be wary of listening to any voices that echo this message. For without realizing it, you too shall fall prey to his deception, as in your hearts you will have then agreed with his premise that you are indeed a victim, as one who has in some way been treated unjustly,.
Ah, but My Kingdom still stands as a victimless society. Then you who are numbered amongst its citizenry should only ever regard yourselves as victors, even when you are severely mistreated by others. And because your identity is now derived by who you are in Christ, your internal stance should be that of more than a conqueror. Therefore, reject every thought which pushes you to take up offense, or speaks to the idea of victimhood, for this form of shallow thinking arises from the flesh, and as such, should not be entertained. Instead seek to have your mind renewed by continually coming into My presence, for surely then shall you know what it is to operate from a higher thought life, where you approach every circumstance, situation, and relationship with a Kingdom perspective.
Then, let those amongst the elect who count themselves as victims, in this very hour, lay down their offense. For who are you to harbor a grudge against anyone, when you yourselves are guilty of, not only committing wrongdoings against others, but more importantly, sinning against Me.
Therefore, take this opportunity to repent of your offense so that this festering wound can finally know healing. As such, release the one against whom you are holding a grudge so that true forgiveness is able to flood in and through your heart. To live as He did while upon the earth means assuming His same humble posture, where you crucify every thought and behavior which keeps your flesh alive: those thoughts and behaviors that run contrary to the Message of the Cross. For it is those who endeavor to apply these standards of love and compassion to their lives, who have indeed discovered what it is to have the mind of Christ.
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:14-16
(Received: 9/30/2023)