Living Life As A Whole

by Lori Anne Hale
A promising future is guaranteed through a partnership with the Lord by Living Life as a Whole | My Daily Letters - MDL

Automation has made life easier for man, so he has become accustomed to living life with relative ease. For now, absent are the hours of hard labor, of exerting physical energy just to keep living. Anymore, machines have taken many of the places intended for him, limiting the sources of potential income. Yet, through the process to bring advancement (of achieving a more simplistic existence) many are left without a way to provide bread for their tables. These are then put on a waiting list to receive a handout, who must depend on an institutional source to sustain them, not seeing any way of evading this outcome.

Though ingenuity is a fine thing (because man moves forward by using his intellect) there is a point where it becomes distasteful, like when he creates a plight for another in order to advance himself. He ends up leaving those who helped him standing out in the cold, using them only as a means to an end. For greed has become the catalyst in the areas of proper society even though the rhetoric used by many speaks of something much more altruistic. Behavior will always portray those things held in the heart, regardless of the words a man chooses. His movements will reveal his intentions, seen by those watching, shedding light on the deeper reasons he has made certain decisions, as the true motivation beneath his actions.

Yet, even when a man tries to hide his true objectives behind insincere words, leading others to believe his heart holds a higher purpose for what he is doing, I can see what lies underneath, in the deepest part of his being, so I am not fooled by his noble language or charitable phrases. The smokescreen of magnanimous words a man uses to prop himself up cannot cloud My site. Nor, does his empty banter and professions of selfless living impress Me. I alone know what exists behind his flowery statements, so can discern the quality of his character, thus finding him in severe lack.

Then, how can a man arrive with a more pious constitution on his own? What type of encounter does he need to break his self-serving bond?Being generous is the way to find real success by Living Life as a Whole | My Daily Letters - MDL

This extreme deficit found in a man’s nature is why he needs a Savior, and the reason I sent My Son. Though not all of mankind wants to outdo his neighbor, the whole of humanity still exists in a compromised state, subject to selfishness in some form or another, with their true focus more narrow-minded than any would like to think. For, how could one who speaks so generously be anything but compassionate? Yet, when their heart is examined more closely, those decent responses regarding the needs of another still hold an underlying tone of vanity, of wanting to feel good about themselves by being thought of as unselfish.

Though most would never admit to holding such a prejudice (with their own needs outweighing another), I find this prideful tone in every human being without exception, even those who appear to be more philanthropic, thought to have a kind heart. Yet, none can escape the clutches of this basic desire to be first as the overriding instinct set in their heart. So, what can one do to find a more satisfactory disposition, or know true generosity (expressed by one who holds authentic care for another)? Impartation is the way to gain even a modicum of this love as a replacement for the less desirable trait of being self-centered and is only known through the direct influence of My Son. He, alone, expressed the authentic version of perfect love through the outpouring of His sacrifice when He laid down His own life so others might experience freedom.

This statement of surrender exposed the depths of compassion He holds for all of humanity, with His suffering shining the light onto man’s greatest need: being rescued from all of their disreputable ways.

If He is the single vestige of hope, the shining bright star that points the way to all that is pure, then this radical demeanor (of sacrificing for another) can only advance through those who have turned from their adverse behavior and embraced the high road of salvation. For, any who have chosen redemption’s path should not look to achieve their own dreams at the expense of another, nor seek to gain by setting themselves with the advantage (though some would “rename” this kind of unfair conduct to lessen its distasteful feel). My children know I am opposed to every unbalanced transaction, so should always put the needs of the other first, even in their business dealings.We should apply God's principle of putting another first even in our place of business by Living Life as a Whole | My Daily Letters - MDLIf I operate in all areas of My children’s lives, then each aspect of their day to day living should carry My divine principles and be seen in their treatment of others, regardless of where they find themselves (whether at their place of employment or gathering with fellow believers). I regard it all the same! My chosen should see their life as a whole, not segmented off into portions, with some sections separate from their walk with Me, thus giving themselves permission, in those areas, to behave in a worldly manner, using the values found in man’s standards.

What I desire is for My children to stand out amongst their peers. Not because of their own accomplishments, but for the love and compassion, they show no matter who’s around. So even though their colleagues may promote a more selfish view (with greed the motivating factor), My chosen should never take on the faulty attitude of “…it’s just business…” to justify their pursuit of a career, seeing others as only opportunities to move ahead. My own must remember, promotion comes from Me, so there should be no striving to achieve. For, they have My assurance of a promising future if they continue to partner with Me.

Nothing brings Me more delight than to find one of My children walking by faith, because this pleasing attitude carries the right confidence, and does not come from their own abilities to succeed. For, these know outward performance is not the method I use to bring increase, so they are not driven by competition; of putting another with a disadvantage, set as a target to beat out for a higher ranking or to boost their own self-esteem.

No, My children should not worry about being passed over in job performance. For when I deem them ready, these will experience the forward thrust of advancement. But until that time, these should do their job well, with a sense of honor towards their heavenly Father, because they know their current position is about bringing glory to My name alone.

So then, remain content to stay where you are, with the sunny attitude of one on a divine assignment, positioned to bring the hopeful news of My kingdom, knowing you carry the credential of ambassador, the title given to those from My heavenly realm.

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. ” Philippians 2:3

(Received: 12/9/2018)

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