Love is the Root

by Lori Anne Hale
The very essence of God is Love from Love is the Root | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Come sit before Me, your King and Father, the Creator of all things, the One who adores you.

Though I sit upon a stately throne draped in regal robes, I have a heart that is always for My children. The seat of My mercy is open and approachable, for I am ever ready to give undivided attention to any who seek Me. I never furrow My brow when a single one comes before Me, giving off the idea that I am bothered. No. When My children stand before Me there is nothing but pure love flowing out towards them, covering the atmosphere in the space we share.

For though I AM the creator of the universe, with love I formed, through the work of My hand, all that dwells within it. It was with this affection that I planned the whole human race, as I carefully sculpted each one and decided who they would become. Then, when the execution of My plan was finished, I rested. Yet the place where I sit (the courts where My authority resides) is still continually filled with deep devotion towards all I have created, for it covers every microcosm of existence.

So, if “love” is at the root of who I AM, then it streams into each attribute I carry. It is not just a part of Me, it is the very essence of My being. Like the core of the sun where the light is the brightest, My love radiates from within, shining out upon the universe in expanding light, filling up all of eternity.

Yet, many of My chosen believe I function as a man, prone to mood swings (as if any of their actions could cause My affections to diminish so that they are greeted with anger if they dare approach Me). Unfortunately, over the centuries, this is the picture that has been painted, fashioning a false narrative of who I am. This rumor was started by the enemy, one which has continued to build, causing My own children to believe a lie. For I am not just a King…but a Father, who is always pleased with His children even when their conduct has been less than stellar. Because I have placed them in Christ, I only see them in the best possible light.

As a rule, I present opportunities for growth (that to some may feel like punishment), but these challenges are specifically designed to develop My children into the likeness of the Savior. Never once have I thought about turning My back on a single one, nor do I set My love aside waiting for them to have better behavior, as this is not how I function! If I AM pure love, then every thought, every idea, and all My plans are carried through affection like a channel which floods into every crevice of this world. My hope and desire are that there will be those who want to know Me on a personal level and have a more profound experience with their Creator. Those who accept My friendship and choose this path of collaboration will discover something splendid exists through our partnership. For the future fostered by joining the course of My favor diverts a life towards an existence that was once only imagined.The only thing we an always count on in this world is God's love from Love is the Root | My Daily Letters - MDL


Although “ominous” is a word used to describe who I am (painting with broad strokes a general idea of My attitude towards all of mankind), this does not make any sense. If this were the truth, then why would I have generated life in the first place? Was it only to have beings who would live under My domination, those who I could rule with an iron fist, as one who only wishes to execute judgment and cannot wait to render punishment upon anyone who makes a mistake; who sits with a disapproving scowl knowing the inevitable outcome of the whole world? Yet, if I am omniscient (meaning I am able to see all that will be), then why would I put Myself through the continual aggravation of dealing with man’s failings?

How silly to think judgment is all I had in mind when establishing mans place in creation! There was absolutely nothing sinister involved, for I have no need to lord My position as King over anyone. I do not have an “ego” (a term man uses when describing his own vanity) like self-centered authoritarians who come about from those desirous of a prominent position among men; those who wish to use their power in a self-serving manner and demand to be respected, yet can only receive this type of honor by subjugating others through the use of fear.

There has to be a much greater purpose to My plan!

So it is through tyranny that man rules over his own race, not wanting any to stand with equal footing or rise above his level of power. Unfortunately, many of My children attribute this attitude to Me, thinking this must be how I choose to preside over My kingdom, by executing decrees and laws meant to bring about hardship with punishment as the motivating factor, and then in anger decide each person’s fate.

However, this is only an excuse the enemy has devised to keep some of My children from really knowing Me, by falsely depicting what will happen if they dare to come near where I am sitting. As a result, those uninformed keep their distance, for condemnation regarding their mistakes is what they believe awaits them. Yet, there is no reason a single one should be concerned that I will rebuke them. Yes, there are consequences when brash choices are made which bear out in a person’s life because of the natural flow of this world. But since My love is pure, I do not keep track of ANY wrongdoing (I cover up a multitude of stains), nor do I expose anyone to shame and will never walk away even when the hardship of life comes around.  

In fondness, I set a life back on the right course through the gentle prodding of My grace, which urges those set in My affections to step away from any kind of profane behavior. Nevertheless, My love will continue to stand and remain unchanged! This is My word of promise, whether or not you accept My kind offer to have a deeper relationship. For My love is the one thing in this world you can always count upon!

” Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1

(Received: 7/27/2018)

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