Made In America

by Lori Anne Hale
The foreign pestilence that has invaded this land believers must pray that God cleanses restoring Made in America | My Daily Letters - MDL

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In the time of Moses where My people were ruled by Pharaoh, hardship fell upon that nation in the days before I broke them free from captivity.

And so like the plague of locusts which devoured the resources of Egypt, so too has a foreign pestilence now covered America, for this greedy swarm is seeking to devour her independence. Everywhere this people shall now look can be found the evidence of this foreign intruder, for though its presence has been in existence here for some time, very few have paid attention to its quiet invasion. However, because this swarm is no longer being restrained by previous governmental restrictions, its presence has spread rather quickly, and shall continue to do so during this season of adversity. For those who are meant to safeguard this nation’s interests have instead lifted these protective measures which existed in order to keep out a full blown infestation.

And so across this land the first of many plagues has fallen upon her people. From the farm fields to the storehouses, and even their pantries, these foreign invaders shall continue to devour the bountiful supply that belongs to them. It is because of concessions made by both previous and current politicians, and allowances which were granted, that the gateway was opened for this species of locust to overrun America. 

Yet, even now only a small percentage of the population has recognized the damage being done to the infrastructure of their national economy, and so blindly go about their business, purchasing what the enemy is selling.

Then just as it was when My people were enslaved by the Egyptians, so those who dwell on this soil shall know affliction and hardship until I drive this foreign pestilence out from among them. However, those who are found in My Son will see the hand of My provision upon their lives. For though the Israelites dwelt within Egypt’s borders, none of the plagues touched their doorsteps, as they were covered under My promise to uphold them even when suffering was running rampant in that nation.

Therefore, none who belong to Me have any reason to fear the greater adversity when it falls upon this country, for I am still able to keep a steady stream of provision flowing into their lives. Though hardship will be the condition for so many, those who trust in Me shall not be found in “want”, for I am still Jehovah-Jireh, your Provider.

So when you see and hear of the devastating loss known by many, you stand upon the solid ground of My promises, and remember that I will not allow you to fall. Do not let your gaze shift over to the circumstances found in the overall population, and think My hand too small to keep you. For if I was able to care for the whole nation of Israel during that season of plagues, I can watch over My children who live in America, and even cause them to flourish during this season.

So do not let “troubled” enter your hearts, for I am the same God today as I was then, as My nature never changes. For this reason you can be confident I will come through for this nation, much as I did for Israel back then.

Therefore, stand with Me in unwavering faith, and petition My throne to release a strong wind from the west which would drive this foreign pestilence back to the land from whence it came. It is then that what seemed to have vanished shall be restored, as “Made in America” will once again be the common phrase seen and heard across this land.

Moses then left Pharaoh and prayed to the Lord. And the Lord changed the wind to a very strong west wind, which caught up the locusts and carried them into the Red Sea. Not a locust was left anywhere in Egypt.” -Exodus 10:18-19

(Received: 2/3/2021)

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