Make Ready Your Homes

by Lori Anne Hale
From buildings God is moving the Church so Make Ready Your Homes | My Daily Letters - MDL

In the Scriptures, it says that man will come against his fellow man; that he is prone to easily turn on his brother if it gives him the advantage. Sadly, this tale is even found within My Body, for believers often turn on one another just to gain status, or feel as though they have the upper hand.

And so the Church today houses many brethren who are double-minded when it comes to the treatment of others, since quite a number of them still allow their flesh to remain dominant, which means that selfishness and pride are attitudes commonly exhibited within My children. So then those who are still holding on to these worldly thoughts are partnering with the wrong spirit, for where do the Scriptures teach that undercutting their fellow brethren to climb the ranks of church leadership is behavior I would endorse? No, within My Body there should never exist this kind of competitive atmosphere, for when the disciples disputed who would be the greatest among them, My answer pointed to humility and service. And when some focused on where they would be seated upon entering Heaven, either at My right or left hand, again I asserted the attitude of a believer in Christ is always set upon serving the Father, and others, as well.

Then the focus of believers in this current season should agree with this same charge of putting others first, since the days ahead shall indeed be filled with much turbulence and need. For in the weeks before the election, the flames of hatred, already present in this nation, shall erupt like a consuming blaze of anger, flowing across the land with extreme violence and unrest, similar to what is happening now but on a much broader scale, and those who are called “Christian” shall be found knowing greater persecution.

This is why it is important for believers to walk in unity now, so that in the days to come when their faith is challenged, none will be tempted to turn on their brethren, for very soon, none of the trivial matters the Church has focused on for the past few decades shall be of any concern to them. Though most believers have resumed their congregational meetings, some of these have not fully considered what will be happening to the overall Body of Christ once the rioting and looting overflows, spilling across the highways and byways of this nation. For while some are enjoying their Sunday worship services, angry mobs filled with protesters shall surely enter their buildings, breaking down the doors, seeking to disrupt their gatherings, and bent on destroying these properties with whatever means necessary. While quite a few church buildings shall be spared, some will not be so lucky, as podiums are smashed and sanctuaries are set aflame.Into a blaze of anger shall the flames of hatred erupt in this nation from Make Ready Your Homes | My Daily Letters - MDL

Those found in the midst of this chaos will grab their families and run for cover hoping to escape without suffering any bodily harm. However, because My own were persistent about meeting in their buildings, and were not interested in what I had to say on this matter, there shall be some of Mine who will be accosted, as this mob is set upon tearing apart the nation, counting those caught in their path as mere casualties of war.

Yet even with repeated words of warning, My children have not listened, for believers have been unable to let go of their weekly customs and the old way of being the Church. Therefore, destruction shall come. For if they had heeded these predictions, there would only have been minimal damage found to their buildings.

So what are My children to do when they find themselves facing persecution? Should they again persist, and defiantly stand against the mob as they did towards the government? Or is there a better approach to be had? Will My own listen this time, and follow My words of instruction?

Then hear Me: while the streets are burning and the nation turns in upon itself, My own should continue meeting, but as smaller groups inside their homes. This has been My plan all along for the Church during this season. But, since most crave the ambiance which larger meetings provide, very few truly considered My warning to be a real threat to them. Yet for a short time, while factions within the nation are battling amongst themselves, let My own settle on this smaller formation, and quietly meet with one another in a less conspicuous manner, where they can worship without fear of being attacked by the angry mob running through their communities.In the coming days believers shall know greater persecution so Make Ready Your Homes | My Daily Letters - MDL

Let those who are listening prepare now for what is about to unfold in this nation, for the violence and destruction being seen at this moment are nothing compared to what is soon to break out. Therefore, let those who are able be ready and willing to open their homes for this service of obedience to Me. Regardless of the size of their home, condo, or apartment, the need for fellowship and encouragement shall be great, which means My own will be challenged to serve each other by sharing what they have.

So then My own must stop to consider what is in the best interest of their fellow believers instead of considering their own comfort first. For this persecution shall drive My Church underground for a short season, which is why those who are able should be willing to provide a safe haven for believers in their neighborhoods and communities.

However, just because My Church has made herself a target by disobeying My will, this does not mean I have abandoned or left her to fend for herself. Let those who are discerning keep your eyes wide open, for the temperature of this smoldering blaze is about to heat up and bring severe damage, to not only this nation, but many churches as well.

Therefore, prepare your homes by establishing the spiritual atmosphere within your walls, setting up effectual barriers to prevent any dark forces which strive to bring division within the Church from entering. Then as you meet, let worship lead, without the pretense of trying to model after regular church services where the clock dictates the gathering and believers are hurried through worship and prayer just to meet a schedule. I want these moments of more intimate gatherings to flow in unison with My Spirit, where He guides the group to the place of My Presence through the gifts and anointing held by each one of those gathered. During this season of adversity, this is My focus for the Church, so that the fire burning inside her contains much more power than the flames devouring the nation.

Then understand where I am headed, and line yourselves up in accordance with My will. For surely the American Church shall be invaded by an angry mob. This is why most believers will have to choose to hold meetings as the early church did, long before buildings became the popular place for gathering. It is time for My children to be the Church once again, without the formal structures used to define her. For I desire to have as My habitation a people who long for My Presence, those who have cast off the old useless trappings of church buildings and administrative structures in exchange for a deeper more meaningful relationship with Me.

Make ready your homes, then, for the Church shall have no choice but to leave the building, and become once again the humble community of believers I began long ago at her infancy, when she was untainted by religiosity and performance.

“What then, brothers? When you come together, each one has a hymn, lesson, revelation, tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.” 1 Corinthians 14:26

(Received: 9/15/2020)

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