Manipulation, Shortages, And Fear

by Lori Anne Hale
When another manufactured crisis hits believers should not become fearful from Manipulation, Shortages, And Fear | My Daily Letters - MDL

Those who manufacture crisis as a means to control the peoples of the earth are about to up their ante. It appears as if they’re holding all the cards, since with manipulative tactics they have stacked the deck in their favor. Ah, but surely I shall expose their lying tongues and cheating hands, for I have yet meted out the full measure of retribution due them for their seditious acts against My throne.

Then expect these fiendish sharks to deal out another round of fear. And though some have become wise to their game, a vast majority have yet to catch on to their ruse, as the weak-minded lack the discernment to know when they are being duped.

And so, like in a rigged game, the people of the world are even now being played, as collusion is afoot amongst their leaders, and as such, any bureaucrat or politician who is heard promoting globalism and its supposed benefits is not to be trusted. This scheme is nothing new, as it originates from the devil, whose agenda to obtain world domination has not changed.

Then why is it that even My own are being deceived when those partnered with evil are easy to spot? Those oppressors who desire to rule the world have a “tell” that can be heard in their words, as anyone who speaks of unifying the nations under one centralized government is filled with nefarious intent.

And so, like high rollers who have staked a claim in a very lucrative game, these shiftless leaders sit plotting how to best commandeer the world’s resources and economy; hence is the reason more shortages have been planned.

Then do not think the timeline for what’s been prophesied has passed, as the enemy has not folded his hand. And so with an unrelenting desire to torment mankind, he shall again stir up fear in the atmosphere, for many shall be the number blindsided by his next assault.

So let you who are paying attention not be caught by the enemy’s deception, and thereby fall prey to fear. Instead, gird yourselves up in Me, for I am still your Keeper. Therefore, when the enemy strikes again, don’t immediately rush to man for aid, run straight to Me, for it is I who shall have the answer to your plight. Do not say you were not warned to ready your households for trying days ahead, for surely there shall be an orchestrated crisis coming which is meant to not only shake this nation called America but the entire world, as well.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” Psalm 46:1-3

(Received: 9/27/2022)

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