My Children

by Lori Anne Hale
The blood of Christ only covers those who are apart of God's kingdom from My Children | My Daily Letters - MDL

The singular expression of My love was displayed through the death of My Son, where I showed to the world the deep measure of affection I hold for it. Then, that very moment, when His crucified body was emptied, carried the greatest significance because it spoke to mankind of the lengths I am willing to go so that each person alive has the opportunity to know Me as Abba, Father.

So then, to say “all are created and loved by Me”, is a true statement, but to declare that every single human being is a child of My Kingdom is a false idea, because without the covering of My Son’s blood, none can hold this position. The distinction as My heirs should, therefore, not be watered down by diluting the magnitude of the blood He spilled.

Since His was a heavy price paid, then ought not the weight of His sacrifice be felt in a person’s heart, where they turn to Me with the full understanding of just how serious His act of surrender was? This is why an acknowledgment of sin is a prerequisite for joining My elect. For without a deep appreciation for His act of forgiveness, whose heart would turn in repentance?

If the whole of humanity is automatically included in, and considered My children, then what point could be made that would cause man to regret his partnership with evil? So though all sin is now covered by His blood of atonement, the foot of the Cross is the delineation marker as to whether or not a person is accepted by Me. Once someone has crossed this sure boundary, only then are they firmly planted amongst My own.Ingesting Gods Word should be a daily practice of believers from My Children | My Daily Letters - MDL

As a result, it is a misnomer to give this title to any who have not found the way of righteousness and repentance, and therefore, those who believe that I consider all to be My children are mistaken, having accepted a faulty description of exactly who it is that belongs to Me. So, this idea should be disregarded as just another myth generated by the enemy to make it seem as though all of mankind is currently situated in right standing with Me. 

None should then be fooled by this garbled tale; a misinterpretation of the Truth which makes the case that everyone is now safely tucked away from the flames of hell, for a person’s eternal destination is not to be taken lightly. Then, those who are spreading this twisted message are themselves aiding the enemy by agreeing with an untruth. This is why it’s so important for My own to study the Scriptures, because then they will be ready to combat every lie of the enemy, as they’ve spent time having their hearts washed by the water of the Word. For as My own cultivate this discipline by daily examining these passages, then the enemy will be hard-pressed to ever fool any of them again. 

So, My children should be encouraged to establish this as a lifelong practice, where a continuous ingesting of My Word fills their inner being with the Truth, which then, in turn, gives them the strength and power to fight off every fiery flame of the enemy. Yet, because he is a sneaky foe and his lies will always have just enough truth to sound convincing, My own must develop a discerning ear, for then they will immediately recognize an untruth when it is spoken.

It is important, therefore, for My children not to stray from this habit of filling up on the Scriptures, for then they will be more than ready to fend off any ambush the enemy has set up to stumble or trap them.

I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways. I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word.” Psalm 119:15-16

(Received: 2/13/2020)

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