My Hand Of Intervention

by Lori Anne Hale
The pitch of this ship only the Lord can right from My Hand Of Intervention | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then like a ship that is listing on its port side, this nation is struggling to stay afloat, and will surely roll should another unexpected wave come crashing down upon its hull. Though some thought changing her heading would “right” this ship, this quick turn has caused a dramatic shift in her hold so that she now sits unbalanced. Since her cargo was not safely secured, it is now drifting away with the current, as neither the crew nor their captain are adept at maneuvering a vessel of this quality.

While the manifest was full, most of her passengers did not sign up for this voyage, as a false impression was given by the crew that everyone on board had some say in the ship’s destination. It has also become painfully obvious that those at the helm care very little about the majority’s will, for their intentions were centered upon seizing command, and then purposefully stalling the vessel’s forward progress, thus making her an easy mark for an enemy assault.

Because this nation is now running perpendicular to My spiritual tide, she has been caught in a deceptive undertow that is threatening to pull her further out into unfriendly waters, which shall cause the navigation back toward more placid seas to be difficult, even when a true captain is installed. Instead of this nation pitching from bow to stern on a steady route towards overall prosperity, her engines are almost at a dead stop, for she is unable to produce the needed traction to again see her economy moving at full speed.

However, it’s not simply strong financial recovery policies, or a new administration, that shall bring back a sense of stability to this nation, as neither the accumulation of wealth nor a politician (whether progressive or conservative) will be able to instill the lasting peace of eternal hope. For a large sum of cash cannot wash away a sinner’s debt, nor can a man of even reputable character say to another, “Your slate has been wiped clean of every transgression!”.

Then what should be remembered is this: that even when a qualified commander is placed back at the helm, he or she is only a chosen vessel seated in accordance with My will, and therefore should never be exalted upon a pedestal, or thought to be the savior of this nation. For they, too, are human beings that fall prey to their flesh, and are prone to errors in judgment.

Therefore, the recovery of this nation shall not be found through a single man, no matter how charismatic or savvy his aptitude for business. For again, he was only a chosen vessel, which means: it is My divine plan working through, and in conjunction with, the individual. And so, it is to Me alone that anyone should look for help, as it is My Hand of intervention alone that shall rescue this land and her people. 

Then let My children (those who still believe I am able) stand a little longer, patiently waiting for their Deliverer. For these faithful ones, are those still holding fast to My promises spoken over this nation.

“Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes” -Psalm 37:7

(Received: 2/6/2022)

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