My Name As Creator

by Lori Anne Hale
For an intelligent person it is difficult to embrace the Truth about Creation | My Daily Letters - MDL

The scientific community has spent decades trying to disprove My existence. The reason being is that they are themselves too high minded and prideful to accept the simple Truth that the universe and all its inhabitants were designed by a Creator.

And though it has been said that it is difficult for a rich man to enter heaven, it is equally challenging for someone who is extremely intelligent to embrace salvation, for those who hold a high IQ are prone to overthinking, and therefore, tend to overanalyze the work of Creation, believing its origins could only have developed due to some random cosmic occurrence, where matter accidentally collided causing the components for all life to form.

And so, most within this knowledge-based community have, by necessity, formed a complicated theory to explain how every species came to be. However, there is a huge gap in their reasoning, which to this day, still cannot be answered, much like a riddle that cannot be solved; but not because some evidence is missing, as it is their whole theory that is in error.

Yet because those in this community have made it their life’s work to prove this hypothesis is correct, think of what would happen to their reputation if they suddenly admitted evolution to be a fraud, even when their studies lead them to the undeniable conclusion that I, the one true Creator, really do exist?

So while some who set out to discredit the notion of Creation have actually found Me in the process, quite a few in this community refuse to let go of their flawed teaching about how the inhabitants of the earth came to be. Even with its ‘missing link’, this humanistic idea has been widely accepted as true, having become the common belief among a large percentage of the people in this nation.

As a result, a shift occurred in the educational system across the land, where the mention of My name in the public classrooms was banned, and that evolution is proclaimed to be the only theory taught to the young minds who fill the public schools. This fact is yet another instance where the Church has given up her dominion to Satan, and allowed him to take over the teaching of their children.To break the enemy's dominion over the public school system believers must pray from My Name As Creator | My Daily Letters - MDL

However, what is seen today in American education is quite the opposite direction from that of the early classroom setting, when My name was invoked at the start of each day, as both teachers and students bowed their heads to pray. Once this practice was stripped from the schools, it took the enemy little time to corrupt what was being taught. And so now the young minds across this land are fed a steady stream of humanistic philosophies, that, sadly, is creating a generation who will likely have little to no idea of who I am; which is what the enemy knew was the avenue of attack he needed if he wanted to take complete authority over the population, for these young minds could be easily influenced and manipulated by his lies.

Fortunately for this nation, the educational system needn’t remain in this damaged state, because even in this area within the public arena, I have come to bring change. For I long to have My name honored once again in among the schools and campuses, where teachers and students no longer have to fear any repercussions if they mention their faith in the classroom, and where regulations against speaking of Me are stricken down. For I have come to restore with a broad sweeping motion, and am ready to clear out the enemy from the educational system of this nation.

Although the enemy may appear to the natural eye to have won this battle, the war over the hearts of this nation is not finished. Believers must rise up and fight in prayer, for nothing the enemy has already established as law in this land is permanently set in stone; which, by the way, is not so difficult for Me to undo.

But My children must stand with Me on this battlefront and form an offensive attack against the enemy, for his reign over the public schools is coming to an end. Let My army continue to march, but add their local schools to the battle strategy I have already assigned to My troops. Let them physically set their feet upon these properties, and while there, declare the enemy’s dominion is broken and that his connection to every school in their district is severed; all the way up the chain until it reaches the highest levels of government. Then clearly proclaim My will out loud: that My name as Creator is to be reinstated into the schools, and that those laws which have prohibited this Truth from being taught, are abolished.

So then, fight and contend, for it is important to the future of this nation that believers take up their spiritual weapons against this stronghold, breaking the grip that the enemy has on the educational systems of America.

“And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.  In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.  For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.  For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:4-6

(Received: 10/10/2020)

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