My Voice Will Not Be Subdued

by Lori Anne Hale
From the lie of false doctrine many will be freed in this season from My Voice Will Not Be Subdued | My Daily Letters - MDL

The partition that once stood between Us and man no longer stands, for that veil was rent once Christ drew His last breath and became the eternal sacrifice for all of mankind. Then if the path to My Presence is now clear, what is that keeps My children from joining Me here? The answer is “unbelief”. For quite a few who call Me ” Father” have accepted the lie that I no longer speak directly to them as it was in the days when the Church was birthed, and as a result, have accepted the false teaching which says, “It is only through the Scriptures that God’s voice can be heard.”

But this is not the full truth. For although Holy Spirit will illuminate certain passages as a means to bring forth deeper understanding, I still communicate directly with My children, even though most cannot discern the sound of My voice, and therefore think it to be simply their own thoughts they are hearing. Then these have misunderstood the whole reason for Christ’s death, as it wasn’t the singular purpose of salvation that He bore the Cross, but it was also to restore the intimacy between God and man, which had been lost when Adam fell. However, it is time for this lie to be broken off of the Church, along with the doctrine built to support it. For those who are its proponents have built their case using flimsy theology.

Yet My voice will not be subdued.

And so in this season, I shall make known the truth which shall challenge the faith of many, as their core beliefs about our relationship shall be put to the test. For I am about to release fresh revelation that will be difficult to refute since its veracity shall resonate within their spirits: a knowing that what they’ve just heard was divine impartation, and could only have come directly from Me.

Then in these days where the promised revival shall come forth, many believers will know greater internal freedom, as they shall be released from the bondage of false doctrine: that religious stronghold that has kept the Church bound for decades.

Unfortunately, some believers will still cling tightly to unbelief, even after witnessing the truth. For to them, it seems a safer bet to embrace the lie than to actually deepen our relationship, as there resides within them the fear of man. And so these shall be unwilling to put their reputation at risk, thus valuing the opinions of others above experiencing a closer walk with their Heavenly Father.

Yet this is as it has been upon every outpouring of My Spirit, where unbelief keeps some from partaking of the new wine being offered, choosing instead to drink from the stale wineskin of the past. Thankfully, within this resurgence, that number will be considerably smaller than in previous revivals.

Therefore, My children, those who are listening, pay close attention to your own beliefs. For some of you still partner with unbelief, thinking you cannot hear for yourselves what I am speaking. It is time to dispel that lie, and dig deeper into My Presence, as I have given each of My own the ability to hear My voice with the ears of their inner man. So draw near to Me, dear ones, and I will draw near to you.

“Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.” -Hebrews 10:19-22

(Received: 3/15/2022)

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