New World Order

by Lori Anne Hale
To rule the world an effort to establish a single government is being made as A New World Order | My Daily Letters - MDL

There are those in this world who are opposed to Me.

Those who rule over the nations and tribes of the earth, who think that to unite their kingdoms under one flag would bring them more power, as these desire to have increased control over the global population as a whole. So behind the scenes, these leaders are collaborating (against My wishes) to establish a single government, where some, who are already in high places of authority, would be set in position to take power over every island and continent on the planet. The goal of these leaders is to strip each citizen of individual freedoms, then rebuild a worldwide institution of laws to keep order.

This globalist idea is nothing new because it originated from an evil source, by the one who has been plaguing mankind from the very start of humanity. Since that time, the enemy’s only desire is to steal, kill, and destroy the souls of men. Yet, because his power is limited, the way he goes about achieving this goal is by approaching some who are prideful and who would easily fall prey to his dark suggestions. For he knows how far his own authority can take him, and therefore, needs man’s cooperation to enact his sinister plot. So he roams around looking for those who are an easy target, those who he could easily fool into believing that they deserve to rule over their fellow man. 

Because many who are willing to cooperate with his evil schemes carry great emotional wounds inflicted from their past, these internal injuries have created huge character flaws causing their internal compass to point in a questionable direction. This then makes it easy for some to cross the blurred lines of politics, where gaining more control is the driving force, and asserting more dominance is their overall plan. So now a circle has formed around this world as many of those in power have linked arms in an attempt to subvert the direction each nation is headed so that all fall in line with their plan of “order”.

A man-made governmental system is not where world peace can be found or A New World Order | My Daily Letters - MDL

So then, it is no wonder that the current climate seen and felt in the global atmosphere is filled with so much hostility, for the enemy knows that pitting mankind against itself is the only way to erect his evil scheme of world domination. Although these globalist leaders promise universal peace, this path only creates more strife within each region and people group, as darkness tries to swallow up any light. For because the view of right and wrong has switched, those who have moral integrity are then made out to be dangerous as the line of common decency slides farther left. And even though those promoting this change in the regime are fewer in number, many in the populace are prone to agree that giving up more freedom is a small price to pay if it means ultimate peace can be achieved. 

However, the liberty I give cannot be squelched regardless of the efforts of men, for even if more restrictive laws are put in place to govern this world, all those whom My Son rescued from bondage are not ever really shackled by these physical chains. This is because their right to freedom comes from My realm, which rests in authority over all of humanity, even above those in government who demand that allegiance be given to them.

Yet, many of My own are looking for signs, and think what they see happening around the globe means the end is fast approaching. But there is still much more that needs to happen on the earth before My Son’s re-appearance in the heavens. Therefore, to My children, I say, “Stop looking to the clouds and be about My business on the earth,” for when the time is just right, the things spoken of long ago will appear, where My own who are alive at that time in history will experience the fulfillment of those final prophetic words.

During this pandemic helping our communities is where believers should be focused instead of on A New World Order | My Daily Letters - MDL

(So then, the message of a “rapture” has been overused, even though this theology has seen many saved. Yet, there is a legalistic bent found in its teachings that has caused quite a few who knew salvation through this doctrine to be found in a kind of spiritual bondage. Instead of being established upon My goodness and kind nature, the foundation of their relationship with Me is built on an unhealthy fear. And so now, when they think of approaching My throne, a sense of trepidation fills their hearts instead of seeing our bond from a position of one who is truly loved. For who would want to develop a close relationship with the One who, in their view, might leave them behind when He comes back to rescue the Church from worldwide tribulation?) 

Therefore, though I encourage My own to keep an eye on the world around them, too many have become hyper-focused on the subject of politics and the end times. Yet, this is not the place where the heart of a nation is changed. So instead of being distracted by the news and social media, I encourage My own to decrease the amount of influence these voices have in their lives, and instead, enter into a more simplistic lifestyle where the main focus of their day rests upon Me. For as My own return and spend more time in My presence, their eyes will truly be open to the greater needs of those around them. And those they viewed as the opposition (because of differing political ideology) will be held in a different light because the real enemy will then be easy to spot. 

And so this is how a nation is turned: when each individual has discovered their true value because those who are My own have made it his/her responsibility to care for their neighbor, regardless of their political or religious views. It is My own who truly have the power to effect a societal change and so should keep their focus more centrally located. For it is the people of a nation or country that are really its heart, and not the politicians or elected officials. Therefore, a shift in focus is warranted in many of My own, where their efforts and concerns are for their local hometown and those who live in communities nearby.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

(Received: 11/3/2019)

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