One Acceptable Alibi

by Lori Anne Hale
Before a suspect can be brought up on charges there must be evidential proof from One Acceptable Alibi | My Daily Letters - MDL

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When a crime is under investigation, those appointed to assess this scene must uncover evidential proof before a suspect can be brought up on any charges, for the burden of proof rests upon those tasked with protecting the innocent.

However, unlike man who relies upon physical corroboration before guilt can be established, because I can see right into a person’s heart there is no doubt about the offenses he has committed. For while it may not be man’s laws that were broken, every person born in this world has failed to uphold the edicts I have set to rule over all of Creation, and therefore, will ultimately answer to Me for the wickedness they carry within.

Then what individual can say to another, “I am a good person”, when all the while he is harboring selfish desires and conceit; for no one is above some form of vanity and pride. And since the world teaches in most aspects of today’s culture that ‘love of self’ should be everyone’s first priority (for until this lie that says a positive self-image is achieved, who can know true happiness), then, as a result, less consideration is given to the feelings of others. Although this notion may sound logical to some (because it appeals to man’s flesh), it is rooted in evil, for any idea that encourages this kind of self-focus comes from the devil, as the message of My Kingdom promotes sacrificial love and an attitude of service, where the well-being of another is considered of a higher significance than one’s own comfort or success.

So then it’s not just those who have broken man’s laws that will be found guilty before Me, for there is no excuse that will suffice when what was concealed is revealed on that day, as there is only one acceptable alibi that will prevent eternal punishment, which is the blood of My Son. For to those found in Him there is no sin remembered, blotting out every transgression from My ledger.

However, some still think it possible to cover their tracks and hide away the darkness they carry, as if somehow they possess the ability to prevent My eye from seeing into the very depths of their soul. Yet, the inaccuracy of this conclusion has led many astray, as these believe being a good person means holding certain moral and ethical boundaries that would, according to the world’s standards, define them as having an upstanding reputation. But since it’s the heart of a man that I judge, his outward behavior and appearance, no matter how magnanimous he would seem to be, is of no consequence, for nothing he does can cancel out the permanent stain of sin which marks his soul.The permanent stain of sin on his soul nothing man does can cancel from One Acceptable Alibi | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then unlike a sleuth who must follow clues to find a suspect (the one that perpetrated some form of crime), I am able to deduce the full scope of each human life long before he or she is ever born.

However, it is not My desire that any should be cast down into the pit, even though, without question, all deserve this punishment, as every person in this world has allowed unclean thoughts to occupy their mind. And while most have not acted on these innermost urgings, those thoughts are, nonetheless, still counted against them, for it is their soul that is filled with sin. This is why those who still consider themselves to be a good person are in error, since I am the only One who can be called “good”. It is then that a true self-evaluation must, therefore, be done using the standard of righteousness I have set, for it is perfection alone that makes anyone acceptable to Me.

But who is there among the whole of Creation that has lived an exceptional life such as this? In all of man’s history, there has only been One. And while He was despised, even rejected by those He came to save, His life He willingly sacrificed so that the sinner and the criminal alike could be justified in My sight. It is through Him, and Him alone, that the guilty are redeemed, for none who come before Me will be able to, of themselves, utter that they are good; which is why, while there is still time, let each one repent of their unrighteousness: let them cry out to Me and seek forgiveness.

Do not make the mistake of thinking yourself qualified to judge if Heaven shall be your eternal home, for your standard of good is subjective, and found in your own shallow reasoning corrupted by sin. Do not think of yourself higher than you ought, for it is the humble in heart (those who bow at the foot of the Cross), who shall inherit My Kingdom, for they recognize that, within themselves, there is nothing good at all, and that their only hope to be spared from eternal damnation is by accepting Christ as their Savior.

So no longer persist under the lie that your own merit will gain you entrance into eternal bliss. For unless you are found in Him, your soul shall spend eternity without knowing rest; in constant torment with a thirst that cannot be quenched.

“But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” -1 Samuel 16:7

(Received: 5/26/2021)

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