Open Hearts And Open Hands

by Lori Anne Hale
Even during this quarantine God is able to provide so continue having Open Hearts and Open Hands | My Daily Letters - MDL

The state of this union is in disrepair because, by listening to alarmists, those in leadership have gone too far with shutting down the country. So then regaining a strong economy will not happen overnight. Yet the President is hopeful that the actions he has taken to release funds out to the American public, will keep the country from falling over the cliff of economic stagnation. Unfortunately, because there will be a longer delay than necessary to reopen, the financial recovery period ahead will drag on causing many businesses and stores to permanently close.

So, while the numbers on Wall Street may be rising and shows the dollar holding pretty steady, the prosperity of most individuals has been harmed. For though many speak with optimistic terms when it comes to the near future, these really can’t predict, with any kind of certainty, what shall be; for often, in the leadership decisions that govern a nation, there are unforeseen and unintended consequences that arise. And although those who enacted these strong restrictions will ignore or deny what is really happening to the economy, nonetheless, it is the public at large who usually feels the burden of truth; for the citizens of this or any nation bear the weight of its leader’s political and fiscal decisions.

Then, how far down this rabbit hole will the leaders of this nation go before they realize their error that halting the country was a big mistake? Yet because they listened to each other instead of turning to Me, their reliance on human logic has created a bigger mess than the virus would have brought if these extreme measures had not been taken at all. So, like a vehicle that has trouble getting started (though many attempts are made to get its engine running), the reignition of this nation’s economy shall be difficult to turn over, as it will sputter quite a few times before it feels as though its engines are purring again.

But this won’t come without a cost being paid by the citizenry of this land, for many who knew success through owning their own business will more than likely have to shut their doors and place a fixed “CLOSED” sign in the window because, for these, it will be too little too late regardless of how many stimulus packages are set forth by the Congress. So, where there were once thriving companies, these retail spaces and offices will be dark and remain vacant, as some are unable to afford the cost of reopening or even starting a new venture, as lenders shy away from loaning out too much or risk losing a bundle; for uncertain times cause many, who have means, to tighten their purse strings so that very few are able to borrow money or find the necessary funding to re-establish their American dream. 

After the shut down is over many businesses won;'t be able to reopen so keep Open Hearts and Open Hands | My Daily Letters - MDL

But just because there may be a lull in the economy, with hardship felt by many, doesn’t mean all hope is lost. My hand is still able to bring about the miraculous in the lives of My children; for what appears to My own as a mountain range blocking their way is easily leveled when I am around. For who has the power to override My authority? And so, therefore, what seems impossible for a mere man does not pose a challenge for Me!

Then, because this is true, even a depressed economy cannot keep Me from financially prospering those I call My own because these have joined in a relationship with the One who is boundless, and so aren’t constrained by the limitations of others in this world. Therefore, My children should not carry any concerns about their future when the God they serve is the same One who parted the Red Sea and caused a flow of refreshing water to bubble out of a rock; which means I am still able to perform amazing feats of provision now, in this generation of believers. Therefore, thoughts of the coming days should not fill any with dread but should, instead, promote a cheerful exuberance within; for these who belong to Me don’t see the circumstances nor issues in life in the same way as other men do because they know their partnership with Me is sure to bring about divine intervention, no matter how great the trouble predicted. Then, generosity should still abound from their hearts and their wallets because with Me in the picture, there is no lack of resources or supply since My fingertips are able to generate an overflow of finances even when the rest of the country may be struggling to put food on the table.

Then, to avert additional struggle, difficulty, or calamity this national crisis must submit to My will; for My authority still outranks every worldly leader, even those who sit in the high seats of government over this nation. Although quite a large number of these leaders have ulterior motives for exploiting this pandemic and are making efforts to see it continue for as long as possible, I am still able to circumvent their plans to cause a steady and continuing upheaval in the land. 

To God's will even this pandemic must submit from Open Hearts and Open Hands | My Daily Letters - MDL

But, regardless if chaos ensues in this nation, My own have been given the ability to maintain inner peace since they understand their livelihood and sustenance are not determined by the courses of man, but in fact, flow into their lives through the hand of their Heavenly Father, who has no shortage of supply, and, therefore, always has the means to provide for His children. And though many around you may fall, don’t count their misery and misfortune as your own, for those who put their trust in Me are not locked into the same direction as the rest of this nation, and so should not anticipate the gloomy scenario that will surely come for many of those who do not know Me.

So then, during these days where hardship is felt by more than just a few; where your neighbors on all sides are being affected instead of just one or maybe two, My own should not withhold from giving what they have in their hands just because finances appear to be tight. My river of goodness flows out of the generous hearts of My children and should continue even in this time of shortage and disparity. My own should be found with open hands, as well as, open hearts. For if you will approach these days with the attitude of one who has an abundance, then it will be easy for you to meet the needs of another when I ask you to give, for these moments of humble service to another were arranged in advance before time began so that your neighbors and even strangers alike could know salvation.

Then, none of My own should be found hoarding, or have their hearts filled with worry about tomorrow, for the birds of today are not bothered with lack just the same as those sparrows who were mentioned in My Scripture from long ago. So, do not toil inside about giving away what you have, for not only are these moments offered for you to shine the light of My Kingdom, but these opportunities were also meant so that your faith could grow. 

Then, to My own, I offer this challenge: to give from what you hold in your hand or from your pantry. For right now, in this season, the ground is fertile with many seeds being brought forth that have already been planted and watered: those which are ripe and ready for harvest.

“Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27

(Received: 4/8/2020)

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