Wishful thinking is a useless endeavor, as there is nothing concrete to support its conclusions. Yet, too many have pinned their hopes upon hollow suppositions that have no basis in …
The arches have fallen! Those that stood erect for centuries are now just a pile of rubble, as this structure that many took for granted would always be standing, is …
Ah, Mexico, in beauty were you created, yet long have you lived under the shadow of corruption which has spoiled your lands and brought shame upon your people, and so …
Those who have bowed to the ‘spirit of religion’ and sacrificed at his altars, am I shaking loose from their platforms so that these who are now considered “spiritual” leaders, …
When Cain spoke to Abel saying, “Let us go out to the field”, it was with evil intent that he uttered those words, for sin had already grabbed ahold of …
Be roused you who slumber, be roused, for your Warrior King has sounded the call to arms. It’s time for the army of the Lord to assemble, yet not in …