Those who manufacture crisis as a means to control the peoples of the earth are about to up their ante. It appears as if they’re holding all the cards, since …
Can a twig bear the same weight as that of a mature branch? Does it possess the internal strength needed to support a heavier load? The answer is not difficult …
There once was a man who climbed to the top of a very tall hill. And though he thought himself clever to have made such an ascent, as many had …
Then say I: Let the Patriots rise! Let those who stand for God and country make their voices heard, for you still have the right to freely express your opinion. …
Then say I, are not the fields ripe for the harvest? Yet who shall go forth and gather this considerable bounty? Where are the laborers, those hired hands meant to …
“Repeal, repeal, repeal” is what I say. What has been invoked must be repealed, for this law of abortion on demand must no longer stand. Therefore, I am calling forth …