Oh, how deceptive is the game of politics, which is the reason blatant lies and distorted truths are not only expected but accepted by each contender who enters the race. …
Then it shall be said of those who hail from the region of Lystra, “The presence of the Lord is strong amongst this people!”. For indeed there shall be a …
See how quickly the tide can turn, for was not Abner loyal to Saul’s household even after the King’s passing? Yet it only took one turn of events to cause …
Have not your sins piled up against you like an immense heap of dung? How much longer must I endure your slanderous attacks upon My Name before I act? For …
When the roof of an ancient structure is found leaking, doesn’t the Owner of the property call upon someone well suited for the task to make the repair? Then it’s …
The solvency of this nation is simply an illusion, for she owes an outstanding debt that has been strapped to the backs of her people. And while they have surely …