I have rendered them useless, all the dark works of the enemy. Therefore, he no longer has the power over any who belong to Me. Then what blockade could he …
The ‘lady in red’ is bound to those whose pockets are very deep, and so it is to them that her soul pays homage, having long ago bowed her knee …
Then shall a man come forth who walks with the same spirit as did Jehu, and as such, shall be unlike any commander that has been seen in the recent …
It is in the shadows of the past where the enemy is found lurking, for within these dark caverns of the soul he has been given permission to dwell, though …
Shall I abandon you altogether, inhabitants of Kadesh, for you continue to worship at the altar of the pagan god Mohammed, whose bloodlust cannot be quenched? For like a rotting …
The banquet table has been set, yet who will come and taste its wares? Though a great many invitations were sent out very few have even acknowledged My generous request, …