[Vision: I saw a field full of warriors. Some were engaged in battle, while others were standing around in small groups arguing about the best way to fight; but none …
[Vision: I saw a giant barred cage with its gate open. There were armed sentries on either side of the opening, stationed as crowd control, funneling a line of people …
Can My children not sense that the Church has entered a new era? Are they still unaware that there has been a permanent supernatural shift? And yet they carry on …
Let the sons of Korah rise, those who worship in Spirit and Truth. Then with melody and song let their lips release a new anthem of praise to My name! …
Rise up and sing you lovers of God, magnify His name, for He is the only good and perfect King! Who else but He deserves all honor and acclaim, for …
Oh, hear Me Jezreel, and all you who occupy these fertile plains. A firebrand shall rise from among you, who, with a flaming tongue, shall release a blaze of truth …