Prophetic Declaration: This is what I head the Lord say about “Crimea And A Wave Of Deliverance”: Oh, Crimea, Crimea…do not weep, for the One who controls the tides of …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… Like dysfunctional families are how many of My houses are found operating. For those who lack spiritual wisdom and maturity are being …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… Then like a ship that is listing on its port side, this nation is struggling to stay afloat, and will surely roll …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… In these last days there shall be wars and rumors of wars, for there is evil in the hearts of man, as …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… A reminder to the remnant that is scattered across the earth: Do not concede from this hard-fought battle nor give up your …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… Then, like sitting down to a meal of pablum, My children are found ingesting a steady diet of man’s philosophies, letting the …