Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… The chain of command has been broken in this nation, for those now found governing have sold their seats of authority to …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… According to man, there is an exception to every rule, a caveat (or maybe two) that lets him off the hook in …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… A life lived in pursuit of righteousness, is a life well-lived, for there is no other worthwhile goal than to become more …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… (Vision: I saw a large cavern filled with cages, suspended by chains above a deep pit, with a person perched inside each …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… “Clear the decks!” are My orders to the fleet, as more treacherous waters lie ahead. The clutter of unfinished business should, therefore, …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… There are those who think they are saved that, still in their hearts have yet to know redemption, and so remain unchanged, …