Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… Like vultures circling high overhead ready to devour their prey, are those who shall benefit politically from the prosecution of this young …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… A soul’s true consolation cannot be known apart from Me, for I alone am the source of the comfort he needs, the …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… Those that have fallen ill and have passed are the casualties of the war being fought upon this soil, as the enemy …
It’s not only the initial quake that causes damage but the shaking of the aftershocks that bring further destruction upon civilizations. So though the first jolt usually packs quite a …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… “Prepare ye the way of the Lord”, for from on high I have come to level the uneven ground and tear down …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… The revolution has begun. As the government’s hand continues to tighten, more Patriots shall rise up in defiance and refuse to follow …