Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… The average citizen shall find their resources being stretched, for as this illegitimate administration continues to quickly push through their agenda, the …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… The kingdom of God is advancing, yet few can perceive it. For in order to comprehend its expansion, one must look beyond …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… When a flag is thrown on the field of play, the offending team is assessed a penalty, and as a consequence, loses …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… When I scatter seed across different regions, they are meant to be cultivated by My children, those I called to each of …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… Hear ye, hear ye, all you peoples of the earth. The Lord strong and mighty still reigns, for He has not abdicated …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… The enemy is prone to coming in through the back door when he sets a trap. However, his recent assault upon this …