So just as Adonijah sought to overthrow Solomon’s throne by acquiring his father’s concubine, so, too, have those who seized power stolen what was not theirs to rightfully claim, as …
Is it still burnt offerings or sacrifices of atonement laid upon an altar? Do I still ask them to honor My name in this way? Or did My Son’s death …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… There can be no revival until My Spirit comes. And though some are proclaiming it has started, this is not the consuming …
Then a robber broke into this house and proceeded to not only steal what did not belong to him, but then began to vandalize the very ground upon which he …
Sadly, there shall be many casualties before this campaign has ended because unbelief shall cause more from My ranks to falter, as these shall not be prepared for the next …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… With masked faces they stand behind this official podium as if these facial coverings could hide the contempt they hold for this …