The solicitation of funds has become common in My houses of worship, where the act of giving has turned into a sales pitch from most pulpits as parishioners are encouraged …
Then who shall fight for justice? Who shall hold this noble ground against every form of tyranny? Are there any still willing to stand and be counted as defenders of …
How can a candidate who has not legitimately won be sworn into office? Yet, who among this nation’s leaders shall lift a finger to stop it? Nary a one! For …
My children seem to be content with keeping to the status quo, for once church services resumed they quickly fell back into their old patterns of worship. Then little has …
A repealing of what has been done shall come. For I shall not allow this injustice to stand. So, with the fine edge of My sword, I have already begun …
If the sealed tomb could not contain My Son’s resurrected body, then what can man ever do to circumvent My will? So though some might think evil has triumphed after …