Then the “naysayers” shall be left dumbfounded, and from their mouths nary a peep shall be heard, for when they witness what I am about to do, those who doubted …
Laban was known for his trickery with Jacob, for he promised to give him Rachel’s hand in marriage if his nephew labored seven years for him. And though Jacob kept …
Is there an advantage given to a man when he walks through this life on his own? Does the absence of My presence guarantee some greater reward, and so would …
Mary stated, “May it happen to me according to thy word”, and so it was. For when the angel Gabriel came before her declaring My intentions, this handmaiden of the …
The ramparts of Independence shall stand even though right now it appears as if this nation has fallen into enemy hands. For while what many fought to obtain is now …
Apprehension has now filled this nation, for many are the hearts expecting doom, while facing the days ahead with the overwhelming feeling of dread. Although the hour is dark, that …