So like a churning sea, the waves from this political storm are increasing and shall cause major destruction to this nation’s infrastructure once it fully hits landfall. And while many …
Behold, I am making all things new, for this generation of the Bride is now being prepared to receive a great harvest, for indeed the latter rains shall fall upon …
How can revival come to My Church unless some tribulation is present? For without a little prodding it would seem these complacent children are content to just be acquaintances with …
Then one by one they shall fall, those who thought themselves impervious to the rule of law, for I shall not allow these criminals and thieves to stay positioned for …
There once was a man who came from another city, and though he was invited by the people to sit at the head of their banquet table, there were also …
Truly, I say unto this people, the day of deliverance is upon you, for My hand has come to break off the choking hold the enemy has around the neck …