The scientific community has spent decades trying to disprove My existence. The reason being is that they are themselves too high minded and prideful to accept the simple Truth that …
I am the light of the world. I am joy everlasting! Like the bright Eastern star, I appeared before mankind as the guide to where redemption is found. And so …
It is time for the herd mentality that exists within My flock to be broken, for I did not call the Church to resemble cookie-cutter cutouts of itself, where each …
I have shed light on their corruption, I have exposed every evil deed, for what was done in darkness shall be revealed, for who can hide from the One who …
Then a rushing wind shall sweep across this land; with the sound of a roaring lion, it shall descend upon the inhabitants of My church, those who have accurately discerned …
In order to receive the “new” I am sending, the Church must break free from her old and antiquated ways of operating corporately. And so, this season wherein My people …