The abhorrent acts of this man and his son shall fully be brought into the light, for those who are friendly to him won’t be able to offer protection much …
The average number of years served by those who hold seats in Congress goes much past their usefulness, for these men and women have become embedded (like permanent fixtures on …
The animosity in this nation shall continue to grow as the battle over the presidency is drawn out, where her people shall turn their frustration over this political struggle onto …
There are many of My children that are searching for a word from Me, who are longing to hear My voice utter words in their direction, but few will put …
It’s not the number of warriors in the battle that turns the war, but it’s about those who fight in alignment with the Father’s will. For those who remain positioned …
Where does true strength come from? Is it based on a person’s capabilities, or does real stability come to him another way? The resiliency of a man is not based …