How far down these evildoers shall descend, for they thought their footing to be secure. Yet these will be brought low because I shall cut them off at the knees! …
When the dark forces of evil seek to overtake My Beloved, I will be there to intervene, standing between them and the pursuing enemy. Then, “…lift your heads, Oh you …
Where are your accusers now, those who have maligned this nation with vitriolic speeches: those corrupt leaders who led this rebellion? Oh, how the mighty have fallen! For those who …
Verily, verily, I say unto you, soon the sound of clashing shall be heard upon your streets, for the ideologies of man shall come against those who believe liberty is …
In times past, it was a hearty handshake that sealed an agreement between two parties, for when a man gave his word, it was as if he had signed his …
Listen to this decree all you peoples of this nation: A time of judgment has indeed fallen upon your land, for the wickedness being done to the unborn must end. …