Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… I have heard the petitions of the elect, those who have made their appeals to Heaven: who have sought the wise counsel …
Have the righteous forgotten who is their one true King? Must they be reminded again of Who it is that holds the real authority over Heaven and Earth? Then because …
Listen to Me faithful warriors of Zion, those who fight for God and country, those who have taken up arms to wage war for freedom’s sake: this battle is far …
Very few are even aware when they fall into a trap set by the enemy, for he uses “enticement” as the lure for baiting his hook, which is why man …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… Hear Me, oh inhabitants of Judah’s land, those who dwell in the region of the Most High! The plans of the wicked …
Prefer to listen instead of read? Click here… Then indeed a season of shaking has come to the Church, where the rumbling under her feet is felt across her entire …