Then say I, “Vengeance is Mine to enact!”, and so upon the heads of the wicked have I heaped the weight of My judgment, under which there is no escaping, …
It is not a man that shall save this nation, but My hand of intervention; yet do the people still clamor for a king. For surely, if the one that …
Expect then, for the “race-baiters” to come out in full force against this ruling, for surely has another of their sacred cows just been toppled over. Then just as it …
Let Me make My position clear on this topic of abortion so as to erase any confusion amongst the elect. This abhorrent practice is a direct affront to My Sovereignty, …
It’s time to impeach this man named Biden, for has not enough evidence been brought against him to justify this action being taken? Yet, do those who have this authority …
Though this R.I.N.O. comports himself with an austere appearance, he is anything but that. For underneath his modest persona lies an arrogant heart, as he, like so many who have …