Then the patriots shall rise and with them the vigilantes, for within the ranks of this militia lies a sense of honor and duty to their nation. These still believe …
Although there was quite a fuss made about foreign countries interfering in this country’s election, among the elite from other nations who would benefit financially if one side or the …
In the throws of conflict, there are casualties found on both sides of the dispute, for when the ideologies of man clash, seldom is there a peaceful resolution without the …
There is a hill which resides on this nation’s eastern shores, the one that houses many seats of power and is the place where new laws are formed. Although this …
An increase has taken place, where a certain governmental agency has been armed with more authority, equipping these officials with the power of “enforcement”; where the American people are expected …
When this storm of oppression blew in across this country, the breadth of its front spread from shore to shore, covering every acre within her borders. And though some areas …