The population of My Church is undergoing some reconstruction. I am working through the current circumstances in the nation to effect internal change within each of them, for I do …
The flag of this nation has been proudly flying since her founding, and has boldly waved over this people for many decades. For even when there was a war between …
The axles of evil are turning with a greater rate of speed, like the wheel on a vehicle that is going downhill; the metal rod supporting its movement, holds the …
My children are mistaken about the meaning of the Church standing up and fighting against the oppression which believers are facing. For though they have a right to gather and …
There are concentric circles which have formed amongst the elite in the nation, where those who are wealthy, or who are celebrities, have linked arms with politicians; connected together like …
The bigger they are, the harder they fall. There are those who have sat in high places, who have held titled positions that are now being incriminated for crimes against …